Are you more likely to get complaints if you work too much online vs working many jobs per day?


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I think some less tech savvy people may complain that online workers who work 16 hours or more per day are ignoring their family responsibilities if you make money livestreaming online, uploading a lot of online videos, or posting many blog posts online where you spend less time caring for your family, and spending too much time playing/livesteaming video games, and posting content.

But, people who work two offline jobs per day at a minimum wage job like cashier, fast food cook, and waiter are less likely to get complaints because it is harder for offline workers to control their working hours, and sometimes their earnings since the boss and local government controls both the hours and earnings per worker.
I really see no difference between them so long as they both strive to make a living.
I really see no difference between them so long as they both strive to make a living.

I agree both of them are no difference as long as you strive to make a living.

The one difference online workers need to convince people to follow them on Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, and Instagram since a lot of online jobs like livestreamers on Twitch need many viewers to make enough money to support themselves and their family.
problem is that you rely on the masses, which if you make them mad or offend them, your money source thins.

A lot of people also get a lot of followers and earn money by offending people like liberals, conservatives, and young people. But, offending a lot of people is not a good idea since there are crazy people who can go to their house, and attack them once the crazy people find out where they live which is not hard if they hire a private detective which can easily find the location of most people.

I think online workers can accept Bitcoin, and other cryptocurrency, online users can still make money even if they get banned from making money on sites, and Paypal, Banks, and Credit Card companies ban them from using their services to accept money because the government or the masses find them offensive, and spreading offensive content.
Well I agree that online jobs would get us more complaints rather than offline jobs.
All the points for that are already covered.
I also feel it is easier for other internet users to use internet comments to complain about online workers creating too much content for their blog and social networking profiles on YouTube, and Instagram where they don't spend enough time on their social responsibilities like going to school, church, and volunteering.

But, it is harder to go up to an offline worker who works too much, and complain they are ignoring their social responsibilities like attending high school, or volunteering more to help their local community.
That's how I also see it as well, and the other thing is that you have more control over online work as well.

I agree most people who work online can have more control on online work.

Some online workers can control where they work as well, and not needing to be stuck paying high housing rents to live close to work unless they work with many co-workers for a website like an online store where they need to work in an office. Online workers can have more choices in cities that they can live in instead of being stuck to only having a few choices in living and working in a few cities like working at as a movie makeup artist who only can find regular work in cities like Hollywood/L.A, and other cities with movie companies.
Yeah I mean I can go on holiday, bring a laptop or something with me and do some work while away from home.
Some online workers like video creators only need to carry a smartphone to do work since the cameras on some smartphones are good enough for recording high quality video, and it is easy to find free wi-fi or an internet cafe with faster internet to upload files like video files to websites.

If you mostly type short text articles like on many blogs, a 6 inch smartphone and a USB keyboard maybe good enough for working on the go.