Assassin’s Creed Syndicate E3 Trailer


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Nothing to get too excited about it seems, I will probably still get it because the games are still pretty good - just needs to stop yearly releases.
I wonder if this is the last of the series or if they will make more? Nonetheless, I am excited for the setting and theme of this game, it almost has a Sherlock Holmes feel to it. 
I'm digging the setting for sure. I've always had an interest in that time period, and this game looks like it won't disappoint too hard. 
I'm just curious about the gameplay now, what new aspects they're going to introduce and how the game is going to play as a whole. Hopefully it all comes out smoothly. 
Looks pretty good! Haven't really been all that impressed with the last 2 Assassin Creed games. I really hope they stop releasing one every year, the game just isn't up to par on how it used to be. Hoping for the best here though however.
Wow, the graphics are amazing! It nearly looks like real life. I also like how they chose to use London as the location of the game.
Looking forward to playing this game, hope it's going to be good!
Great location, great trailer..    but after the last two..   definitely waiting for real players reviews after launch.
I'm a huge fan of the series but I don't think I'd be getting this at release, I'd probably wait quite a while. Recently the franchise seemed to be getting too repetitive even for me. And Unity had a LOT of bugs on release. I'd rather wait for a whole year for patches in case this one ends up being the same.
FuZyOn said:
Wow, the graphics are amazing! It nearly looks like real life. I also like how they chose to use London as the location of the game.
Looking forward to playing this game, hope it's going to be good!
The graphics would probably be pretty realistic, seeing how Unity truned out, but this is just a cinematic trailer, don't expect the same level of realism, just saying. :p