Review ASWR: Clone Wars S1, Clones Galore


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Steal Penalty
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Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
The Clone Wars is near and dear to my heart. As such, I will be biased towards this show and I will apologize in advance, but I will try my best to reign in my love for the show.

Let's just jump right to it.

Clone Wars S1

E1: Ambush
Pretty alright first episode, it's a simple story about Yoda and some clones which works honestly.
E2: Rising Malevolence
Pretty alright as well. I don't really know what to say. Plo Koon is cool and all but this is still pretty story of the week.
E3: Shadow of Malevolence
Pretty similar quality to the last episode. It's fun and all but nothing really sticks out yet.
E4: Destroy Malevolence
A bit weaker than the last few episodes, it's just a bit less…interesting I guess. I don't know I'd rather watch Plo Koon being rescued or the Malevolence being bombed than Padme and C-3PO needing to be rescued.
E5: Rookies
Honestly this episode wasn't as good as I remembered it. It's still good but it still has that episode of the week feel to it. I guess it's simply because we don't get enough time with these characters for me to truly enjoy them.
E6: Downfall of a Droid
It's okay, I didn't hate it but I didn't really enjoy it either.
E7: Duel of the Droids
Same for this episode. Nothing but mid for me.
E8: Bombad Jedi
It's a Jar Jar episode, as such it's exactly as annoying and unfunny as Jar Jar.
E9: Cloak of Darkness
It's okay, pretty episode of the week feel to it enough though this is a Arc. I don't know what to say, this is pretty standard S1 Clone Wars.
E10: Lair of Grievous
Better than the last few, but I still find myself somewhat disinterested in this. These characters just kind of exist for me.
E11: Dooku Captured
Fun episode, it's the first appearance of Hondo which immediately makes it a good episode.
E12: The Gungan General
Another Hondo episode, besides Jar Jar this episode is even better than the last. Purely because it's Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Dooku working together which is immensely entertaining.
E13: Jedi Crash
It's alright, just pretty standard for the show.
E14: Defenders of Peace
Also pretty standard, it's okay but it doesn't really have anything interesting about it.
E15: Trespass
It's…boring. The story and characters are barebones and it's the most predictable and uninteresting take on racism (speciesism?) you'll see.
E16: The Hidden Enemy
It's good, Clone focused episodes are more interesting than most episodes. Slick was kind of interesting but they don't spend enough time on him to truly do anything special with him.
E17: Blue Shadow Virus
It's okay. The villain is fun but it still feels like an episode of the week, even if it's a two parter.
E18: Mystery of a Thousand Moons
A better episode honestly, the emotional stakes are high enough to make things more interesting. It still has that episode of the week feel to it but it's enjoyable enough.
E19: Storm Over Ryloth
It's good, I'm not as into it as other people are but I do appreciate the development it gives to Ahsoka. It's mostly just not as layered or as deep as other episodes are in later seasons.
E20: Innocents of Ryloth
Pretty good episode honestly, pretty good look into civilian suffering during wartime. It's not the deepest story in the world but it's written well enough.
E21: Liberty on Ryloth
I kind of forgot this episode honestly. Windu was cool I guess but it's not as interesting as Innocents of Ryloth or Storm Over Ryloth.
E22: Hostage Crisis
Pretty solid, I enjoyed it. It's the first appearance of Cad Bane which is cool. It is a pretty standard villain of the week story, but one that's enjoyable at least.

Season 1 is alright. It's not terrible for the most part but I also can't really recommend most of these episodes honestly. You can just watch Rookies, Storm Over Ryloth, and Innocents of Ryloth honestly. Nothing else here really stands out.
I'm kind of hazy on most of these episodes, need to rewatch.