Review ASWR: Revenge Of The Sith, Err...Its fun


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Steal Penalty
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Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
So I took a break from ASWR, you see, Episode 1 and 2 were so bad they apparently took me out from wanting to watch Star Wars.

Anyways, Episode 3 exists. It's...I don't know if I'm just a party pooper but I didn't enjoy this movie as I thought I would. It's better than Episode 1 and 2 but it still has the stilted dialogue and awkward writing.

Granted, it is an improvement, I just kept noticing the fact that half of these lines were still kind of weird.

The story's alright. I found myself mostly just enjoying the setpieces but I cant really say that I got invested in the story.

I guess I'm just not interested in this movie.

I find the prequels to be boring if I'm honest. They feel like CGI setpieces with poor acting and sloppy writing. They just don't have the magic that the OT has.

Next up, I'll be watching the sequels.

Somebody please save me.
Do you think the first three should be remade?
Episode III was one of my favorites because it featured many action and fight scenes. The writing is off, like when Anakin felt in the Opera he had to save Padme because his mom died, but only because the Chancellor told him about Darth Plagueis. There was no hiding of any agenda. Putting that away it does look good if you were shown a screenshot or GIF of the movie. It did mesh with how Vader came to be. It just feels so separated from the original trilogy in terms of directing.