PC/Mobile Bad Cheese Announced for PC


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Introducing Bad Cheese, a first-person psychological horror game rendered with hand-drawn art in the style of a century-old 16mm film cartoon. It's due out in 2025 for PC.

Bad Cheese is being created by developer Simon Lukasik and publisher Feardemic. In it, you will "step into the tiny paws of a mouse spending the weekend at home with a dysfunctional Dad while Mom's away." You'll "complete tasks, eat snacks, find toys, and navigate the 'complicated family dynamic'" and "experience the gruesome reality of a child-mouse trying to maintain a sense of normalcy in a not-so-normal household." Finally, Lukasik, speaking about Bad Cheese, notes that "every family has a corpse in the closet and in this house, there are many closets."
I wonder why Bad Cheese for a name?