Other Bamco's New Advisory Board


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Bandai Namco announced with a press release that it has established an advisory board including three experts in different fields.

The new board has been created in order to further its mission to exceed the expectations of the fans by providing high-quality content that can be played for a long time and creating a new entertainment business not bound by preconceived ideas.

The first member is Shigeo Maruyama, who may prove familiar for PlayStation fans, having served as vice-chairman and chairman for Sony Interactive Entertainment during the golden age of PlayStation and PlayStation 2 between 1993 and 2007. He has been included in the board due to his knowledge of the entertainment industry.

Next is Hiroyuki Kishi, assistant professor at Keio University, formerly at the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, included in the board due to his knowledge of politics and economics.

Last, but not least, is chairman of the “Corporate Reporting Lab” of the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, included in the board due to his experience in improving corporate value and leading financial market trends.

“When content becomes a hit, we look for the reason. A hit work always has a reason for becoming a hit. Even if we can figure out that reason, it won’t automatically let us create new hits, however, it can provide hints for creating the next one. We’ll help find these clues.”