BANK OF AMERICA: There's a 20%-50% chance we're inside the matrix and reality is just a simulation


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In a note to clients out Tuesday, Bank of America Merrill Lynch said there's a 20%-50% chance that we're living in the matrix — meaning that the world we experience as "real" is actually just a simulation.

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I wonder how does Bank of America costumers feel about storing their money with Bank of America after BoA starts publishing tech news about living in a simulator, and spending their bank monthly fees on publishing news stories instead of hiring more staff to make lines at the bank shorter, and install better ATM machines.

I feel Bank of America can spend their time more productively by finding ways for costumers to save more money on their banking costs, or donate money to a college which is more knowledgeable about the Matrix.
Ummm yeah, that is something they shouldn't be emailing their customers and if any of them are old that will just cause unneeded confusion.
Ummm yeah, that is something they shouldn't be emailing their customers and if any of them are old that will just cause unneeded confusion.

I agree this message from the bank may cause un-needed confusion with some bank users especially older users who don't understand.

This message may also cause some people to spend more money, and take out loans to spend more money to advance in the Matrix if they believe that they are living in a video game simulation like the Matrix. People generally spend more virtual in-game money to buy better gear, weapons, potions, and stuff in a video game to get to the next level faster. Some people also spend a lot of their real money to buy virtual money to spend on World of Warcraft, and similar MMO games.