Banking System


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Welcome to Gaming Latest's Banking System. By making posts on the forum you can gain our currency and use it to buy a few gaming needs and services on the GL boards. Please note the currency cannot be transferred to other sites.

Here is the current rates:

For making a topic and or post that is 20 characters or more, you will gain the following general points:

5 points per topic.
3 points per reply.

On the gaming, tech and anime related boards, you will gain:

10 points per topic
7 points per reply

You will gain 0 points in the advertising section, Internet chatter board will still give you the general points.

0 Points in the forum games section.

You will gain 30 points per topic made in the LG error board and 5 points per reply.

You will only gain 1 point per reply in the Ask the Gamer board and 0 upon topic creation.

You will gain 25 points for a topic creation in the start screen and 7 points for replies.

You will gain 20 points for a topic creation in the feedback board.

You will gain 12 points for a topic in the debate board and 6 points per reply.

You will gain 5 points for each like you receive on your post

Should any of your topics/replies get deleted, the same points you made for that topic/reply will be automatically deducted from your account.

Arcade:(the arcade exchange below is currently disabled)

If you hold an arcade score for one week, you can cash it in for points.

1 week = 10 points

2 weeks = 21 points

3 weeks = 33 points

4 weeks = 44 points

5 weeks+ = 60 points.

You must hold the score without anyone ever beating it, the longer you hold out the more points you get but gives someone higher the chance of breaking your score. Once you cash this in, your score for that game will be deleted! Keep that in mind and you can cash in on the same game many times.

You can also gain points by making paypal donations to the site or helping out with things like making us GFX or helping out with an issue or being MoTM. More info on this soon.

You can view your money amount in the upper right hand corner of the screen next to your alerts. If you wish to pay for something or transfer money, you will need to contact an admin to have them do that via the ACP.

If you like to purchase things, then please visit GL's store:

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It may not rake in many members but its sure to motivate alot of people to engage, its gotten me to do the same :D Anyways good forum and wonderful people :)
I think what would be much better is to give people something to come back to, something that they dont get anywhere else. I mean people who would post only for gift cards or other benifits would stop posting when they have those things, I think you should come up with something that makes people come back again and again.

I know its easier said than done but nothing's impossible and i like this forum :)
It is a great forum feature. I don't think I have ever encountered this feature on other forums that I know before. And I wouldn't worry on the number of members of the forum, it will grow I am sure. I know a forum with more members that is practically "dead".
This was a great help I really thought the "money" was actually transferable (really stupid of me). Well it's a great idea and is sure interesting.
Admin, I am a newbie here, is it possible to withdraw the money? I hope that my question here is not a product of out of logic.
So the money is a form of buying something in the store and it is not intended to take it as a cash for personal use. Thank you very much admin for the information.