Battlefield 3

Magikarp Ownd

Do you know who ate all the donuts?
I saw the article in Game Informer, and let me tell you, I have not been as excited for a game to come out as this since Twilight Princess (which I waited for for many years seemingly with anticipation of great magnitude). For PC (which is what I will be buying this for) 64 player games are returning, and that is completely insane. Another thing that is making me giddy is that 'allegedly', they are going to be making more content earlier in the game's life than the last game.

So, here's a simple question to start of discussion, who is thinking about getting it?
I'm thinking about it, but I'm not getting too excited just yet. They may just be trying to build up hype. No telling how awesome the end product will actually be.
The canceled Mirrors Edge 2 for this game, so that better mean they're putting all their energy into this, and it's going to turn out flawless and more importantly, fun.
I've played every Battlefield and loved every one of them. Dice is a fantastic company and I will definitely buy it. It could be fantastic, it could be awful, one way to find out.

Apparently they're going back to Battlefield 2 like gameplay with inspiration from the Bad Company games which were basically experimental spin offs which were pretty damn successful.
I'm very interested to see how this turns out.

Don't care!
Then don't post. You're not contributing what so ever with this sentence fragment that doesn't help what so ever. This is the only thing worse than not posting at all, damaging it. It's no more helpful than people who just post FIRST! then leave forever.

The canceled Mirrors Edge 2 for this game, so that better mean they're putting all their energy into this, and it's going to turn out flawless and more importantly, fun.
Mirrors Edge was a very cool unique game and I enjoyed it very much, as disappointed as I was about the cancellation, It still doesn't make my expectations go up, really. I trust DICE, I don't think they'll be letting us down. There's no such thing in games. But hopefully there will be little major flaws and if there are, they will be fixed.
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Then don't post. You're not contributing what so ever with this sentence fragment that doesn't help what so ever. This is the only thing worse than not posting at all, damaging it. It's no more helpful than people who just post FIRST! then leave forever.

Unsurprisingly enough, you manage to bawwww about it.
Now you are just trolling. If you have nothing intelligent to say that contributes to the topic, at least leave it alone and no harm is done.