Best video game plot twists

The dead space 3 one wasn't a twist IMO, that guy made it pretty obvious throughout.

If I had to pick one that stands out in my memory, it's from FF7:

Aeris/Aerith after you spent all that time with her....

Curse you Sephiroth! Gahhhhh!
GracefulAssassin said:

And yes it is, I wasn't expecting it, I just thought the guy was a dick.
I guess... I dunno, I've just come to expect things like that. It's like twists have become so common that they're not even twists anymore. Show me a shady character who's a total dickhead, and then progress the story to a tense standoff.

If the game has him NOT betray the main character, that would be more of a twist nowadays.
GracefulAssassin said:
Not really...
Excellent counter argument. But still, you have to concede that most games these days come with a twist almost as if it's become a requirement. I'm not saying for all of them, but it's definitely noticeable.
lol I don't feel like typing... Anyway, most entertainment has a twist. It's hard to think of something without one. The degree on the twist varies as well.
Silent Hill 2,
where James finds out that he killed his wife. It's quite a shocker especially when you consider that James originally said that Mary had died from an illness. You go through the entire game thinking that Mary is alive and then you get to that part.

killer7 also had some interesting, although confusing plot twists in the end. I won't spoiler those.
The only ones that I can think of offhand for Videogames (other than ones mentioned) are:

Who Kessler really was and what he was trying to achieve. (And did achieve...)

The identity of the Beast
Cole's Evil ending 
Cole's Good ending 
GreyHelm said:
I guess... I dunno, I've just come to expect things like that. It's like twists have become so common that they're not even twists anymore. Show me a shady character who's a total dickhead, and then progress the story to a tense standoff.

If the game has him NOT betray the main character, that would be more of a twist nowadays.
Jade in Tales of Abyss? :P
In my opinion, it's definitely the twist in Knights of the Old Republic. Been a really long time since I played that game but it's a twist that I will never forget. 

The moment when you find out you're actually Darth Revan
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.  That twist came out of nowhere.  My childhood self was stunned, haha.  It still is one of my favorite moments in gaming.

Bioshock I - The meaning behind "Would you kindly?" and your character's true identity.
Bioshock II - Apparently you should have failed the Arcandia mission on the first game.
Bioshock III - Who is Elizabeth and what have you done?

All of the above: Actively looked at and leading to the realization that someone on the Dev team like the Wizard of Oz? Priceless
[Strawman, Tinman, and Cowardly Lion]