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Anyone here watch this anime? It's pretty good with great battles and awesome accompanying music. It's pretty much batman with giant robots.

Though my only issue with the anime is it's story, the end leaves you completely clueless and unsure what you spent two seasons watching. Though the battles and music make it completely worth watching this series.
Ahhh, Toonami days lol.

Used to love this show.

I really liked the inspiration it took from popular series like Batman for instance.

I remember watching it on Toonami and it leaving on a cliffhanger at the end of the 13th episode. Needless to say I was pretty disappointed.

But then Cartoon Network funded 13 additional episodes.
Giant robots...? Okay, you lost me, :p
Either way, I don't like the art style. It looks decent from the trailer and I hate the idea of a Batman imitation, >__>
Demon_Skeith said:
the art style, back when it was made was highly praised. It's not batman imitation more like influenced.
That may be true but I don't think I was an anime addict like I was "back then", >_
My girlfriend loves this anime, lol.

However, I haven't seen it in years. I only remember it being a badass anime with giant robots and a Batman-type guy.
An anime like batman huh.....
wow. I wonder why good the music is for this anime. I will be adding it to my watchlist but it would be a very long time, before I actually pick this anime.