BlackBerry drops Classic phone from its lineup


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BlackBerry has tried a lot of things to stay relevant as mobile technology evolves faster than ever before. BlackBerry has dabbled in tablets, it tried running Android apps on BlackBerry OS, and it even dropped the name RIM for the more recognizable “BlackBerry.” When the company decided to move forward with Android as its main mobile platform, fans of the old BlackBerry at least had the BlackBerry Classic handset to keep them happy. That’s no longer the case today. BlackBerry has announced this device will no longer be manufactured, and there isn’t a replacement planned.

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This is too bad for people who are fans of the Blackberry Classic's design where almost half of the phone is a physical keyboard, and the screen is on the top half of the phone.

I guest, not many people are buying Blackberry Classic Phones anymore because more people rather have a bigger rectangular screen instead of a smaller rectangle screen found on the Blackberry Classic.
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Never was a fan of BlackBerry phones. I also never saw one being used or talked about in at least 5 years... It is unfortunate for the people who did like them though.
Blackberry phones were kind of expensive back in the past. When the Blackberry was more popular back in the past, I did not want to spend hundreds of dollars for one. I bought a regular flip-phone cell phone in the past since I did not want to spend a lot of money on a Blackberry, iPhone, Android phone, or Symbian phone in the past.
That's a shame, I think a lot of people still enjoyed this phone.