Breast Feeding Publicly


Well-Known Member
Should breast feeding in public be banned? Some view it rather inappropriate and/or outrageous. I don't personally believe that it should be banned. I see no problem with breast feeding publicly. As long as the individual is covered so that no one can visually see her breast (specifically the nipple), it's fine.
I don't care, breasts are nice and lovely to watch at least. but i kinda feel that breast feeding is disturbing for me as i don't really like babies. uh.
It's totally natural, but then so is taking a piss. So until they allow me to piss in public, breast feeding should not be allowed.

Breasts SHOULD be allowed, just without the latched on screaming shit-machine.
I think public nudity should be legal... seriously it's very natural so why make a crime out of it? it would be therapeutic for most of us. connection with nature etc ^^
I don't have a problem with breast feeding or public nudity since it is natural. People are too up tight about public nudity since it is natural.
We live in a fascist nation, that is so used to their fucking made up ethics, that nothing is right, but everything is wrong, with little to no freedom, and an average person living in a robotic state of mind, where everyday is the same, when poor people suffer like fucking peasants, and the rich dominate the fucking world. Rich people are so selfish, that we can't live in a good world, and never will.
I agree... it's like some kind of superstition to be scared of nudity. I think people should wake up...

Yes money does cause a lot of harm.
From a girl's point of view here breast feeding should be allowed, but in a private area. Sorry to say but I would have a problem with flashing the entire place my breasts, cover up with a blanket or go into the bathroom, but not in the open public.
If women want to breastfeed publicly they should be allowed, it is hardly classed as indecent exposure it can just be a little off putting for those around them but they can get over that I am sure. I had to take a food order from a table the other day and the woman started breastfeeding her kid while I was taking the order, completely threw me off what I was doing...AWKWARD!
I don't remember writing what I wrote... WTF? Ignore previous posts, because I don't think I wrote them... I do think that we are too uptight though. I like the Scandinavian countries, where there is a lot of freedom though, but to avoid arguments, I did NOT write that.
Yea women should be allowed to breast feed, but be respectful of people around them. And if they aren't going to atleast provide a blanket to atleast ask first. A lady did that to my dad once, he felt very awkward,
lol That must have been awkward, but yes, some people find nudity very offense (I don't understand why though...), so people should try to at least cover it up best they can.
i don't really find breast feeding offensive, actually I find it somewhat endearing, but they still should cover up for the sake of those who do.
lol That must have been awkward, but yes, some people find nudity very offense (I don't understand why though...), so people should try to at least cover it up best they can.

It's because a large part of our personality is shaped by the environment. If you grow up being told that nudity is bad, and you grow up in a society that does wear cloths, it is likely that you will find it offense simply because it goes against what you were brought up to be as and that it is something new/abnormal feeling. Answer this, is there going, or has there ever been, one baby born that sees nudity as bad from the start? If that baby was never told that it was bad and grew up in a "nude" environment, would it see it as bad? Adults think that kids don't know right and wrong, but what adults seem to not know, is that what they consider right and wrong is simply defined by a generation past them. It is not absolute.
Personally I find that it's fine.

I think it's just the society - people are trying to be "decent" and "morally upright", which I think is pretty much trash.

Honestly I'd be shocked if a woman just whipped out her breasts and starts feeding her baby on the train, because the society I lived in is pretentious and tries to appear "conservative", but I would not say a word more. Her child is hungry and she is feeding him or her, I don't see an issue here.