Browser Linux - A Linux Operating System mainly for web browsing


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BrowserLinux is a fast and small (93 Mb!) Linux distribution for surfing the web.
  • Web-browser: Firefox 5.0.1
  • Flash 10.3
  • PDF-reader
  • Music Player

Here we look at a minimalist puppy linux distro for just using the browser for all your stuff.

Now it's based on an older version of puppy linux but it gets the job done once you get an alternative browser to use to the one supplied which is quite easy, and you can get most things in the end
super duper..

download from here:

Cool, Browser Linux looks useful for people who just need a computer with a desktop operating system to go on the internet, and do basic tasks like office work, and listening to music, watching video, etc by just installing Browser Linux on their computer instead of Windows, and bigger operating system. It is cool that Browser Linux only uses 93 MB of hard drive space, and it also seem to run pretty fast as well.

People who run internet Cafe, and a library might find this useful as well since most people just use internet cafe and library computer to browse the web.
I can see this being useful for laptops.
If I wanted a Broswer OS(if you want to call it that)? I would just use ChromeOS. I see no benefits what so ever using this over ChromeOS.

Privacy concerns since some people like keeping their data, intellectual property, and web browsing history away from Google's computer, and servers.

Political ideologies might also prevent some people from using ChromeOS since I got a feeling people who use ChromeOS in Iran, North Korea, and Syria might get in trouble with the local police since Google may not be very well liked in N. Korea, Iran, and some countries with stricter laws where the government is more controlling, and Google is seen as more Libreal/Western.

You can also use a different browser like Firefox, Opera, Chromium, Seamonkey, and other Linux compatible browser software in Browser Linux.

Browser Linux also makes it easy to install offline Linux programs like Abiword, video players, games, etc which you can install on it by using the Puppy Linux program installer/app store since it is based on Puppy Linux, or Linux command lines to download, and install programs from the command prompt.