Can Most Average People to Make enough Money Online to buy Food and other survival items?


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I think it is possible for most average people to make enough money online for food and survival items like warm clothes if they are willing to do more stressful tasks, or work more hours online per day, and take shorter rests than the average person like online technical support where the customers can get very angry at online technical support workers on help forums, and video chat calls because their software is broken. I think livestreaming for many hours a day, or uploading hundreds to thousands of online videos, and selling many average written articles to blogs in a few months, and also including advertisement links in the description can make enough money as well for food in a shorter amount of time.

If a person can drive a car, they can drive for an online ride sharing company like Uber to earn some money driving people to places, and also earn tips from riders if you are a good driver.

Many online workers may not earn enough money by only working online to have an acceptable life because there is no minimum wage when working online. But, online workers may earn enough to buy cheaper very lower quality food like food with scratches and dents on the skin of a fruit or vegetable, and finding a place where rent is very cheap to stay alive.
depends on many factors, if they can make enough money and if they can get it into a source of payment to use in real life quick enough.
depends on many factors, if they can make enough money and if they can get it into a source of payment to use in real life quick enough.

There are some people who pay real money for World of Warcraft Gold/money, and other MMORPG money, so if you are good at mining/farming gold in MMORPG, you can make enough money from selling virtual gold. A lot of Asian people in Asian countries make money selling virtual gold, and in-game items where they do it as a full time job because the offline jobs like Farmer in China in their town does not pay well.

Farming for gold, and selling in-game items can be very boring, but a lot of Asians can make money farming for gold.

There are also people who make money by downloading apps, and opening them, so the app rank in the top 100 most downloaded and used apps in the Apps store for iPhone, and Google Play.