Can someone clarify this?

Flaming Machete13

Can I itch your nose?
There's a kid at my school that is trying to convince everyone that his parents got killed by a gang. This wouldn't be so weird but he's also trying to convince us that he lives alone and works at a manga company, where he supposedly makes a ton of money. He's also 14. I'm not really familiar with laws but aren't there laws against 14 year olds living alone and working full time jobs while they still go to school?Can some one clarify this for me? Almost all of my friends believe him and I hate to see them be so gullible.
Um, I'm not sure myself about the total legality of your situation, but from what I remember, isn't there a minimum hiring age of 16 or something?
That's why i try to tell them, no 14 year old is going to have enough money to buy copyright characters but he says he does that too.
not necessarily, 16 yrs old to work..i mean you could do like a paper route....but whoever is believing that is stupid, if he works for a manga company, ask him to bring sum of his work in, thats if he draws it..or ask him to bring in pictures of his office.
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He has a ton of people fooled, and he shows us drawings of characters that he said he drew and says he owns them, but I've never seen hi draw them or any real proof of any part of his story.
Heck, I don't know about law, but if he's making a ton of money and working in the manga business, then why would he need education? Everything that he says he has is already on a plate! This is a lie, how people believe this lie, I don't know.
That's another good point, I didn't even notice that. If he has so much money than there's no reason for him to stay in school.
That's another good point, I didn't even notice that. If he has so much money than there's no reason for him to stay in school.
What state is this in? Different states vary on their laws. For me to do further research, I need just a little bit more info. Also, does he arrive to school by bus? Walks? Private car? How does he pay for his lunches? Are they homemade or does he use food stamps to pay for his lunches? The simple things can lead onto what is actually occurring in his life outside of school. If he is in a foster placement, the foster parents are receiving funds for his living expenses and may also be eligible for state aid (depending on which state you live in). Of course, you could always put him under pressure and convince all your friends to have him draw them stuff, and when he cannot produce a drawing in person for them (as in, draw it in front of them), the truth may have a chance to slip out?
What state is this in? Different states vary on their laws. For me to do further research, I need just a little bit more info. Also, does he arrive to school by bus? Walks? Private car? How does he pay for his lunches? Are they homemade or does he use food stamps to pay for his lunches? The simple things can lead onto what is actually occurring in his life outside of school. If he is in a foster placement, the foster parents are receiving funds for his living expenses and may also be eligible for state aid (depending on which state you live in). Of course, you could always put him under pressure and convince all your friends to have him draw them stuff, and when he cannot produce a drawing in person for them (as in, draw it in front of them), the truth may have a chance to slip out?

It's in New York,he brings his lunch to school,I'm not sure how he gets to school but I hope this info helps.
It's in New York,he brings his lunch to school,I'm not sure how he gets to school but I hope this info helps.
In NY, if you are 14 or 15 and school is not in session, you are permitted to work up to 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week and have to abide by curfew laws (7am-9pm) and can only be employed between June 21st and Labor Day. When school is in session, hours are only permitted outside of school (obviously) and between 7am-7pm for a total of 3 hours on a school day and 8 hours on a non-school day, with no more than 18 hours per week. 18 hours a week is next to nothing, unless he is getting paid $100/hour, which is extremely unlikely there is no way he can be making 'big bucks'. These are all based off of the state level Child Labor Laws for New York and do not cite Federal Law in this, since State Law will suffice for your argument to your friends.

To cite some specific information that is relevant to your current case;

"Minors 14 and 15 years old may work after school hours and during vacations, but not in factory work. They may do delivery and clerical work in any enclosed office of a factory, and in dry cleaning, tailor, shoe repair, and similar service stores."

"There is no minimum age for child performers at theatrical, radio, or television performances or for child models."

Luckily for you, I don't think the manga industry (which is based entirely in Japan?!--Unless you are referring to translations which most tend to be FAN translations, done for FREE) is not the physical entertainment business.

"Minors 11 years of age or older may work outside school hours as newspaper carriers to deliver, or sell and deliver newspapers, shopping papers, or periodicals to homes or business places. Minors 14 years of age and older may be engaged in street trades work, i.e. selling newspapers or periodicals on streets or public places.*
*(Under Federal law a 14 year age minimum is required for delivery of periodicals and similar items.)"

Perhaps he sells manga on the street and therefore has a 'claim' in the manga industy? Lol?


Lastly, FM--was this kid a nobody before he opened his yapper and claimed to be a super manga business man? Obviously he is doing this for friendship and companionship during school hours. Perhaps his home situation is rather sad and he needs some friends to cheer him up at school so he constructed this lie to appear much cooler than he is, so he is living out this fantasy of who he wants to be rather than who he really is? Just saying, try to see his point of view in this rather than just demolishing him with facts that he is lying. :3!
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In NY, if you are 14 or 15 and school is not in session, you are permitted to work up to 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week and have to abide by curfew laws (7am-9pm) and can only be employed between June 21st and Labor Day. When school is in session, hours are only permitted outside of school (obviously) and between 7am-7pm for a total of 3 hours on a school day and 8 hours on a non-school day, with no more than 18 hours per week. 18 hours a week is next to nothing, unless he is getting paid $100/hour, which is extremely unlikely there is no way he can be making 'big bucks'. These are all based off of the state level Child Labor Laws for New York and do not cite Federal Law in this, since State Law will suffice for your argument to your friends.

To cite some specific information that is relevant to your current case;

"Minors 14 and 15 years old may work after school hours and during vacations, but not in factory work. They may do delivery and clerical work in any enclosed office of a factory, and in dry cleaning, tailor, shoe repair, and similar service stores."

"There is no minimum age for child performers at theatrical, radio, or television performances or for child models."

Luckily for you, I don't think the manga industry (which is based entirely in Japan?!--Unless you are referring to translations which most tend to be FAN translations, done for FREE) is not the physical entertainment business.

"Minors 11 years of age or older may work outside school hours as newspaper carriers to deliver, or sell and deliver newspapers, shopping papers, or periodicals to homes or business places. Minors 14 years of age and older may be engaged in street trades work, i.e. selling newspapers or periodicals on streets or public places.*
*(Under Federal law a 14 year age minimum is required for delivery of periodicals and similar items.)"

Perhaps he sells manga on the street and therefore has a 'claim' in the manga industy? Lol?


Lastly, FM--was this kid a nobody before he opened his yapper and claimed to be a super manga business man? Obviously he is doing this for friendship and companionship during school hours. Perhaps his home situation is rather sad and he needs some friends to cheer him up at school so he constructed this lie to appear much cooler than he is, so he is living out this fantasy of who he wants to be rather than who he really is? Just saying, try to see his point of view in this rather than just demolishing him with facts that he is lying. :3!

Thanks a ton Arc

He says he draws and writes it and that he works the whole year. I think that his parents are actually dead and that he lives in an orphanage and that's why I haven't called him on it but I want to prove to a couple of my close friends that they shouldn't believe everything anybody says. I'm not sure what he was like before since I've known him only a few months but it sounds like its een going on for a while. Thanks again, that was a tremendous help
Here's the bottom line, Dude.
You are smart and probably have an I.Q of 120. Your friends are Dumb.
No kid is going to work in a Manga factory and make awesome drawings. No way.
Here's the bottom line, Dude.
You are smart and probably have an I.Q of 120. Your friends are Dumb.
No kid is going to work in a Manga factory and make awesome drawings. No way.
While this is an obvious fact, I'd like to think that there is more to it than this. Like I said before, he is probably extremely unhappy with his current living situation with or without his parents and he needs an escape from that. He wants to be accepted and thought of highly by others by cosntructing these lies to have a way to pretend, even is just for 6 hours a day, that he is somewhere and someone else.
Jeez you guys are taking this seriously. He's lying. Almost all kids lie to make themselves seem cool, hell when I was in school my friend tried to convince me they're Mum only spoke spanish, evern though I went over their house 2 days before.
Dude, he's lying and if you even thought for a second, he's telling the truth you're an idiot, also, if you still think he's telling the truth, his story will have millions of holes.
Should be clearly obvious that he's full of bullshit. But if that's his way of overcompensating for the disappointments in his life, so be it. At least he isn't a drug dealer (as far as we know) or something like that.
Jeez you guys are taking this seriously. He's lying. Almost all kids lie to make themselves seem cool, hell when I was in school my friend tried to convince me they're Mum only spoke spanish, evern though I went over their house 2 days before.
Dude, he's lying and if you even thought for a second, he's telling the truth you're an idiot, also, if you still think he's telling the truth, his story will have millions of holes.

I know he's lying and I didn't believe him from the start, I just wanted sufficient proof to convince my dumb friends.

Should be clearly obvious that he's full of bullshit. But if that's his way of overcompensating for the disappointments in his life, so be it. At least he isn't a drug dealer (as far as we know) or something like that.

He isn't a drug dealer and I don't mind him doing that as a way of compensating but he's really overkilling it.