Can Threads overtake Twitter?


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Mark Zuckerberg started the Thread platform that looked like Twitter and have almost same features. Some members on Twitter moved to Thread when it was launched. Do you see Thread overtaking Twitter anytime soon?
Threads are most likely just another social media gimmick. Messenger is already a thing, so it's redundant to create something to spite someone else and have more control over the content for the sake of politics.
It is possible that Threads can overtake Twitter if Threads has better features and is more reliable than Twitter. More people may join Threads if it has a lot of exclusive informative and entertainment content which attract users to join Threads. Threads can also fairly pay creators to post content to Threads, so more people decide to join Threads.
Threads are most likely just another social media gimmick. Messenger is already a thing, so it's redundant to create something to spite someone else and have more control over the content for the sake of politics.

I was thinking the same as well. Those that joined Threads must have been tired of updating contents there now.
I remember reading a tech news post that Twitter will delete inactive accounts which have not logged in to Twitter in many months, so I feel eventually Threads will have more users than Twitter because Twitter will delete many inactive accounts while Meta try to convince more users from Facebook and Instagram to join Threads to view exclusive content.
I remember reading a tech news post that Twitter will delete inactive accounts which have not logged in to Twitter in many months, so I feel eventually Threads will have more users than Twitter because Twitter will delete many inactive accounts while Meta try to convince more users from Facebook and Instagram to join Threads to view exclusive content.

The only way to join Threads is via an Instagram account, so if you have just Facebook then you cant make an account. Also there's an article that states Threads has lost 80% of its active user base so if anything, its a fad and will probably die off before the end of the year.

It was not unique and just wanted to capitalise on the hate that Twitter was getting. People have their problems with Twitter but honestly, not many are willing to leave it. It's still one of my favourite social networks.
Never heard of it, guess it has poor advertising.

I think Threads did not have any paid advertising, or Meta did not pay for ads on TV, online, and radio. Most people learned about Threads from TV news, news blogs, newspapers, celebrities, other social networks, and celebrities.
I mean they dont really advertise Instagram or Facebook on tv or radio either.
Mark Zuckerberg wasted resources in creating Threads. It's not necessary because Instagram had everything that was in Threads. He wanted to compete directly with Twitter/X but his plans never worked out.
Yeah Threads essentially died out. I've seen people log on there and go "this is still a thing?"
It didn't look like people were for this at all since it fizzled quite fast. New ideas take time but people DO get used to the same ol' & don't care for change.
Would any of you tried it eventually if it had stayed around?
It was not unique and just wanted to capitalise on the hate that Twitter was getting. People have their problems with Twitter but honestly, not many are willing to leave it. It's still one of my favourite social networks.
This is the largest problem all these "Twitter clones" are having. The news media hates Twitter and says all sorts of things to point out its death, but every company is still using Twitter as their news outlet and monthly users never dropped off last I checked.

I do think threads has a lot of potential, but it has a lot of oddities. For one it has no API yet, so most businesses are going to limit their use of it and that means users can't use it like they use Twitter to discover new things. The Instagram login was a strange idea to me and all I think of is that it was a move to push Instagram users to sign up without knowing why they were really signing up. Facebook is by far the most used Meta platform and they already have Meta level accounts across the platforms. It is almost like they wanted to give Instagram a text feed, but wanted a full Twitter clone, and ended up with the worst of both sides.