Can you gift your Playstation 5?


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This question is for those that has purchased the Playstation 5. We know how much it cost and how difficult it is to get. When faced with the option of gifting it to a friend or family member, can you do it?
Never. If I was done with it after the next generation of consoles had come out, I would consider giving it to a family member or friend but they would have to be very close. And the PS5 would need to be worth not that much in terms of resale value
Knowing most of my friends don't really play video games, I wouldn't have considered it since they can play it when they come over. They wouldn't need their own PS5

Plus it's super expensive and still hard to get so I'd go with something else as a gift option
No. Definitely would keep it until it's unplayable.
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The high cost of playstation 5 makes it unlikely for gamers to gift it out. If it is a case of Playstation 2, I would have said it is possible.
I've been looking for a way to purchase PlayStation 5 for several months now and I have not been successful. If I eventually get ONE, it is going to be difficult to gift it out.
Gifting a family member a PlayStation 5 is no big deal to me. I can do it as long as I have the money to buy another one. Gifting my current PlayStation 5 is a no no.
I can't spend more than 600 dollars to get a PlayStation 5 only to gift it to someone. I have seen some people that are unable to get theirs and one is talking about gifting mine.
I can't spend more than 500 dollars to get a PlayStation 5 only to give it out. I have seen some people that are unable to get theirs and one is talking about giving out mine.
I can't spend more than 600 dollars to get a PlayStation 5 only to gift it to someone. I have seen some people that are unable to get theirs and one is talking about gifting mine.
I can't spend more than 500 dollars to get a PlayStation 5 only to give it out. I have seen some people that are unable to get theirs and one is talking about giving out mine.
If I had a dollar for everyone who uses the same word format in this thread I'd have two dollars. A strange coincidence isn't it?
I can't gift my PlayStation 5 to anyone considering the fact that getting a new one is not even easy. I would rather gift my PlayStation 3 instead of the PlayStation 5.
I don't see the price dropping any time soon. When you factor in the way gamers are still demanding for more of the Playstation 5.

I agree, I don't see the cost of the PS5 dropping soon because of strong demand. I feel Sony may temporarily drop the price of the PS5 to celebrate Christmas, New Years, or another holiday.