Canada's PM: "say peoplekind instead of mankind". Gender drama intensified?


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I know that in western countries, there's a trend of making everything as gender neutral as possible.
Since it's an opinion people believe in, I have no issues with that.
However, seeing the countless protests going violent in this regard, and the official efforts to even censor anything related to gender (or even someone in the UK who got arrested for calling a man "a man"), it got to the point it started to disgust me.

And now it's going as far as not being allowed to say "mankind" (a word that has nothing to do with gender, but only appears to have the word "man" in it!), as seen here:

Of course the internet was quick enough to create joke material about that:
Urban Dictionary: peoplekind

How about your thoughts?
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I'm glad the US isn't run by someone like him. I know Canadians who can't wait to vote him out
Peoplekind doesn't have the same ring as mankind though I do see his point I think he just be better off saying humans.
Count me as one Canadian that wants him gone.

I do firmly think that Trudeau is an idiot (more on this later in my post).

The only reason he got elected was because he promised legal marijuanna so every stoner and their dog turned out to vote for him. (Which, I should point out, he's not yet legalized it... it was supposed to be July 1st of this year, but he's backed away from that date now. So what's likely going to happen is, with the possibility of an election in 2019, he'll use the legal marijuanna angle to try to secure a second term.)

But since he's been in office he's:
- used $215,000 of taxpayer money to go on a vacation to Billionaire Island. (Which the ethics commissioner ruled was a violation.)
- gave $10.5 million to a terrorist (Omar Khadir).
- spent $555,000 to design and re-paper the outside of a Canada post office.
- spent $5.6 million to open a skating rink on parliament hill for 3 weeks.
- told veterans they're asking for more than the govt can afford. (After the above mentioned expenses were disclosed...)
- donated $59.5 million to South Africa for education.
- spent $100,000 on managing a twitter account.
- signed a $233 million deal to sell helicopters to the Philippines. (He later ordered a "review" of that deal though. On the grounds that the Philippines leader had human rights violations in the past.)
- announced a carbon tax.
- called the verdict of a trial incorrect. (Basically playing into the start of a racewar.)
- has admitted 180 ISIS members into Canada.

And there's more that I haven't mentioned. But those few issues alone are more than enough reason why Trudeau is an idiot and needs to go.
All of that is talk and gender care is just waste of time for the Gov't though. The Canadian Gov't cares only about tax. Currently I would guess that around 90% of earnings go straight back to to gov't. When it comes to money and business they are dead organized. When they debate stuff like the gender issue if they really care then it's because they see profit in it.

I have my own little concept on this gender thing though. The Canadian gov't is NUTS about prescription pills. they earn so much money from it, it seems every kid has a reason the have medication. In regards of this gender thing, my theory is a bit mean but could be correct. One thing that is very common with the "new gender wave" people is that a lot of them have serious psychological issues and stuff like depression. Maybe it's their brains or maybe it's the pressure of living with that.
Anyway, that being said, if there is truth to that then the gov't would fight to support trans gender and whoever else for the 40yrs of prescription pills.
There is no way the gov't cares.
Now if you take an issue that hurts gov't profit such as suicide they hide it so much it isn't even funny. Heck, they hate that so much the gov't named it "commit" suicide like its some kind of crime.
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Peoplekind doesn't have the same ring as mankind though I do see his point I think he just be better off saying humans.

I agree humans would of been a better word.

In some English classes, the teacher teach people to use words like police officer instead of policeman because a woman can be a police officer in most countries like the US, UK, Canada, etc. There is a chance that he was just correcting the speaker.

Trudeau was a former Math, English/Humanities, French, and Drama teacher according to

"Justin Trudeau taught in public and private school. Subjects: math, French, drama, humanities."

It can be difficult to escape being a teacher, and correcting people since your job is to teach, and correct people's homework, and speech when teaching at a school for a large amount of time in your life.