Check out Gaming Latest's new video series - Press Start!

Hey guys, I appreciate the compliments! I apologize for such a long hiatus when things were just starting to pick up for this series. I just want to say, I've got things organized at home and I now have a bit more free time to work on these videos with a recent change to my work schedule. Production on Episode 3 is in the works!
Nice to see you back, look forward to episode 3.
Nice video! but you didn't mention PLOT girl Elena with the star ocean the divine force part lol
Wasn’t expecting to have to wait over 4 years for it when I said this lol. But glad to see you back @Trilient i enjoyed episode 3 and will be waiting for more!
Haha, sorry. I figured this might come up, there was a lot going on back then, I just didn't have the time to dedicate to it.
Working on Episode 4 as I type.
No worries. Life happens. I’ve not been as active round here in recent years as I was back then either.
Appreciate the understanding!
Currently my release schedule for the series is spotty, I'm still ironing out a lot of the details. Last episode was released on a Thursday, episode 4 will most likely be up later this afternoon.

I want to target every Saturday/Sunday for new episodes though.
take your time :)
Episode 4 is rendering right now! Will be uploaded in the next hour. I had to make some last minute adjustments since I'm already later than I wanted to be for it.

These are work! Lol


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Those in charge of the video upload and editing should keep it up here by bringing consistent quality gaming latest"s videos, it's inspiring for me seeing those videos.
@Trilient How is ep 5 coming along?
Had a bit of a hiccup this week. I haven't been online at all. It's in progress, aiming for Monday or Tuesday release next week due to holidays. I'll be traveling over the weekend and won't have time to work on it until Sunday when I get back, since I don't have a laptop.

Ep.5 will cover the last two weeks to squeeze in a few topics I wanted to cover.