Childhood Toy?


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Hey, members!

My question today is what was/is your favourite childhood toy? Instead of gaming, try and choose something you physically played with. Me? My treasured toy as a kid was a train-set. For my birthday I got a who bunch of small trains that I used to push along the toy tracks and watch the little, metal wheels spin. Playing with them had taken up my whole year as a 4 year old! Unfortunately, I moved and I lost them in the proccess..

What about you guys? Do you even have you favourited toy now?
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I played with Legos everyday when I was younger. Never would I have a Lego that was still put together one month after I got it, because it could be combined with more pieces, or be used in other creations. These took up a good amount of time in my life (and I still find myself messing with them once in a while) and are my favorite toy(s) I had when in my childhood.
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I played with Legos everyday when I was younger. Never would I have a Lego that was still put together one month after I got it, because it could be combined with more pieces, or be used in other creations. These took up a good amount of time in my life (and I still find myself messing with them once in a while) and are my favorite toy(s) I had when in my childhood.

I had cheap imitation Lego that could connect to Lego, which was weird. I mean, it wasn't Lego, but then there were pieces you could use to connect it to Lego. Anyway, I used to muck about with those quite a bit. I also had a favourite little Soccer ball that was quite fun to doonk around with in the backyard.
like the rest of you I used legos. I also was addicted to Power Rangers and still have a box full of Power Rangers toys in my basement.
Hey, members!
Instead of gaming, try and choose something you physically played with.

Oooo... Thats hard...

I think I use to play with board games all the time, I'd make up rules and stuff. Other then that, Lego's obviously. I had like a Pokemon type thing. It folded up or something.
I have an older brother, so he influenced my toy selection quite a bit. Also, my parents let me watch Child's Play when I was pretty young so I threw out all of my Barbies and dolls.

I used to carry around an 18" Michaelangelo TMNT action figure (it was pretty big). I would bring it to the table with me and set a plate for dinner, bring it to stores and everywhere with me.

The other main toys that I played with were based on Ghostbusters, a plastic proton pack, ghost trap with real opening trap function (you'd step on this button with a hose attached to the trap and the air would push it open) and even an old telephone my parents got me so I could pretend to be taking calls to bust ghosts with my brother.

Also, I played a lot outside when I was little and would make forts and use sticks as guns and stuff that most kids have done.

Oh, and beanie babies. I loved beanie babies. :]
I have an older brother, so he influenced my toy selection quite a bit. Also, my parents let me watch Child's Play when I was pretty young so I threw out all of my Barbies and dolls.

I used to carry around an 18" Michaelangelo TMNT action figure (it was pretty big). I would bring it to the table with me and set a plate for dinner, bring it to stores and everywhere with me.

The other main toys that I played with were based on Ghostbusters, a plastic proton pack, ghost trap with real opening trap function (you'd step on this button with a hose attached to the trap and the air would push it open) and even an old telephone my parents got me so I could pretend to be taking calls to bust ghosts with my brother.

Also, I played a lot outside when I was little and would make forts and use sticks as guns and stuff that most kids have done.

Oh, and beanie babies. I loved beanie babies. :]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles FTW!