China develops anti US FPS game


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It's one thing to have this for just entertainment purposes, because Call of Duty has players attacking all sorts of European and Asian countries. But were this to be used for military training, I can certainly see some issues...China is supposedly our ally, at least economically.
lol using a videogame as training?thats silly
I think simulators (can't really call them video games anymore if they are training tools) can be used for training. Dunno about this one, won't have more impact than giving an image of a battle field, maybe some formation training. But if you would try doing something more virtual reality or more sophisticated to could help. It has worked with space programs and flight simulations, I even heard of operation training done with simulation software. Virtual reality could help bring the intensity of battle to life and a sophisticated game in terms of control could help with squad formation training with out having to step out side and use guns. (this "game" could have that, but it looked more like something to play at home, why would soldiers need cut scenes)
I heard about this earlier. It's hilarious seeing people get buttmad over it.
there's talk of its use as a training program for their army...

So does that mean we could use the Halo series to train us for an alien attack?

Anyway, I'm not into very many FPS, so this won't bother me at all. If that's what China likes, than so be it.
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