China's Tencent will offer 10TB of free online storage to attract US users


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Getting wind that users of Tencent's Chinese-language cloud service have 10TB of free storage made many drool, but soon there'll be no need for envy. Peter Zheng.

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Wow, 10TB of free online storage. I wonder if it is possible to use the 10TB of free online space to host a website, forum, or blog for free with a custom domain name.

This is good for people who need to backup a lot of video and photos, or want to share their collection of copyrighted videos and music with friends and family for free by using 10TB of free storage.
I would never ever put my personal information, or a backup of a important website on there.
I wouldn't either, but this still sounds great for storing as many files as you want.

Hope this is true

Maybe like torrents and stuff.
10TB would be good for sharing large files like public domain movies, public domain music, and CD ISO files of Linux Operating Systems which range in size from 700MB-4GB or more in size, and you won't be breaking the law because Linux is a free operating system which is Opensource.

Anyways, a lot of people store files online without even knowing it by using the e-mail attachments feature to send and receive files like MP3 files, Word files, pictures, short video, and PDF on free e-mail services like gmail, hotmail, and Yahoo Mail which now has offer many GBs of space for people to send and receive e-mail attachment files on, so people use e-mail to conveniently share files because it is easier than copying files on to a CD or hard drive and walking to someone's house, turning on their computer, and copying the files they need to their computer from a CD or USB hard drive which you brought over.