Checked the game's website, so one male character with all female party members lol harem.
"There won't be mini maps in the levels," said Meurisse. "When there's a mini map, you can end up relying on it. And we want players to discover the world as the expedition does it. They don't have a map because every previous expedition failed. So yes, sometimes it can be difficult to find their way."
He continued: "What we added on the world map that wasn't in the preview demo is just a compass, so you can find north easily and get your direction more easily." There will also be an overview map of the entire game world.
Meurisse explained the game is balanced between fairly linear, or semi-open levels with side path opportunities, which are accessed through the JRPG-style explorable world map. This is intended to tell a focused story. "The design approach has some links with FromSoftware games," he said, "where it's very linear levels but really intense ones. We don't have the mastery of ideas that they have, but it was part of the inspiration."
"The will for searching for something more unique made it natural to link with the art references we knew the best, for being French," he added," but it wasn't a specific studio guideline to say 'we are French, we want to do something French'". Still, he's "happy and proud" of the French inspiration.
"New technology allows smaller teams to do big AA 3D hits, whereas five or 10 years ago, it wasn't really achievable," said Meurisse. He cites Hellblade, A Plague Tale and Mortal Shell as examples of smaller teams creating AAA-looking realistic games, but outside of these most indie studios previously had to use stylised or 2D graphics. "Now, thanks to new studios and new tools and great people, it makes a game like this very possible," he said.