Comcast data caps cost this consumer $90 a month extra in Overage fees a month


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Richardson, who lives in Atlanta, regularly exceeds Comcast’s 300 GB usage cap. In July, she was charged $70 for overages. In August, $90. Meanwhile, warnings that her family is about to exceed its allotment seem to come earlier and earlier every month.

Today, December 7th, I just got a notice that we have already used our 300 GB of data for the entire month of December!!!! What?? It’s only 7 days into the billing cycle!!!” she wrote to me recently…emotion not edited. “This seems ridiculous since we have only been home TWO of these days!!! We will probably be billed an extra $100 to $140 in overage costs just for this month. I spoke with three different people, including management, and got no help.”

Even more frustrating, says Richardson: There’s no way to know if Comcast is accurately counting data usage. While Comcast offers some usage information on its website, it is sparse on details.

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$90 is more expensive than some people's entire internet, phone, and TV bill.

I got a feeling the user of this connection watches a lot of online HD videos, buy a lot of downloadable games from Steam, PSN, Xbox Live, and Torrent and download a lot of files.

I think the user should pay the extra $30 for the unlimited Comcast plan.
I think they just need to look for better internet options really. Data amounts are not going down these days, they get bigger and bigger.

I read on comments and articles on tech blogs that there are sometimes no other internet options in some cities and towns, and Comcast is the only company which offers high speed broadband internet.

I think they need to pay the extra $30 for unlimited internet if Comcast offer unlimited bandwidth in their city.

I'm guessing this user's internet plan does not have an option to add unlimited bandwidth because he went over his cap a few times already according to the article.
I think they just need to look for better internet options really. Data amounts are not going down these days, they get bigger and bigger.
I got a buddy in the states, we were having a discussion about internet connectivity and abuse. In the US i head, folks there are cheated of the bandwidth irrespective of the ISPs and the cost is extremely high.
then I guess thats why comcast is screwing them over.

Bandwidth maybe very expensive in the US because of the large amount of staff needed to manage and repair a Cable internet network, and the high cost of networking equipment to run a cable internet network.

I think Comcast is charging a lot of money for bandwidth because there is no real competition for high speed internet in most smaller cities, and towns, and the other big ISPs maybe worse than Comcast, and offer slower speeds, and less bandwidth for a similar price.
I got a buddy in the states, we were having a discussion about internet connectivity and abuse. In the US i head, folks there are cheated of the bandwidth irrespective of the ISPs and the cost is extremely high.

Yeah we're screwed over in the states, though if google fiber becomes a thing it will change the whole ISP set up.
There is Fiber in Canada, but the Fiber company limit the download speed to 15 mbps, upload speed to 5 mbps , and add a 150GB of bandwidth limit for the cheapest $58 a month Fibre plan, so there isn't much advantage getting Fiber compared to Cable which is also 15 mbps for a similar price.
There is Fiber in Canada, but the Fiber company limit the download speed to 15 mbps, upload speed to 5 mbps , and add a 150GB of bandwidth limit for the cheapest $58 a month Fibre plan, so there isn't much advantage getting Fiber compared to Cable which is also 15 mbps for a similar price.

jeez, you guys are no better off than us.
jeez, you guys are no better off than us.

I think, in some ways, the US is better because Comcast and other US ISP has a 300GB and more bandwidth, and slightly faster download speeds while most big internet service providers where I live have a limit of 100-150 GB unless you pay a lot more money for more bandwidth.

It is disappointing that the government in both Canada and the US let internet service provider companies overcharge users for internet service with bandwidth caps, and slower limited speeds unless you use Google Fiber.