Comcast Jacks up Price of Standalone Broadband to $75


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Comcast’s Performance tier, priced at $65 per month for much of this year, has slowly climbed toward $70 per month in many areas as the year rolled on.

The folks at Stop the Cap notes that the tier, the cheapest standalone option Comcast offers that meets the FCC's 25 Mbps definition of broadband, will soon cost users $75 per month. That of course doesn't include the $11 per month modem rental fee (up $1 since last month), or the usage caps and overage fees applied on top of that rate.

Comcast Jacks up Price of Standalone Broadband to $75

$75 is pretty expensive for internet service. Comcast most likely have enough subscribers where Comcast does not need to raise the price to $75 from $70 to earn enough money to pay all its staff, and put some money in their savings account.

I think it is an important for US internet users to contact their government officials about not ending Net Neutrality, and the high $75 price of Comcast internet.
I think it is an important for US internet users to contact their government officials about not ending Net Neutrality, and the high $75 price of Comcast internet.
You should have worded this part a bit more properly, because now it sounds like "they should not end net neutrality, and they should not end the high $75 price".
But good luck protesting against all of that, governments nowadays will put their fingers in their ears and sing "LALALALALA!!! WE'VE GOT THE POWER AND YOU CAN ALL JUST FUCK YOURSELF!!!" any way, this is how modern "democracy" works (more like demoncracy!).

And while I can't find anything about Comcast for home users, I did find some packages for their small business clients:
Business Internet, Small Business Internet Service- Comcast Business

Looking at the prices compared to what you get in return, it's way too absurd to be true.
This is literally 1970-style price/service balance!
You should have worded this part a bit more properly, because now it sounds like "they should not end net neutrality, and they should not end the high $75 price".
But good luck protesting against all of that, governments nowadays will put their fingers in their ears and sing "LALALALALA!!! WE'VE GOT THE POWER AND YOU CAN ALL JUST FUCK YOURSELF!!!" any way, this is how modern "democracy" works (more like demoncracy!).

And while I can't find anything about Comcast for home users, I did find some packages for their small business clients:
Business Internet, Small Business Internet Service- Comcast Business

Looking at the prices compared to what you get in return, it's way too absurd to be true.
This is literally 1970-style price/service balance!

Unfortunately, the internet in America is expensive and slow in many places. Internet outages and problems still happen on a regular basis where users need to complain about poor service for the high prices they pay, and hope the ISP and the government does not totally ignore their complaints about poor service. It is very frustrating for internet users who need good service, and can barely afford the high cost of faster internet.
They do this because none can challenge comcast. We seriously need a walmart of broadband internet to come in.
They do this because none can challenge comcast. We seriously need a walmart of broadband internet to come in.

I feel the government is partly to blame for poor service by allowing ISP to donate millions of dollars to the Republican and Democratic parties for campaigning who may more likely ignore users complaint because they are afraid of getting fewer donations from ISPs.
I feel the government is partly to blame for poor service by allowing ISP to donate millions of dollars to the Republican and Democratic parties for campaigning who may more likely ignore users complaint because they are afraid of getting fewer donations from ISPs.

yeah gov control and ISP right now is still a hot topic.
yeah gov control and ISP right now is still a hot topic.

The gov is also controlled by rich people who donate money to the gov to try to pass or change laws which make them richer. A lot of people who live in small US towns already have bad internet, and may have worse internet, and higher prices in the future if Net Neutrality is gone.
The US isn't the lowest in the world regarding the internet, but still bad compared to what I'm used to.
But you guys sure have absurd high prices for internet.
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure we're lowest in the world.

I think Canada is slightly worse than the US because bandwidth limits are sometimes 200GB or less per month. But, if the internet in the US becomes 10 Mbps download and 1Mbps upload, the speeds would be similar to some places in Canada. The price is similar to the US, or more expensive.