Company wants you to be able to create your own creatures via DNA splicing?


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Considering the vast majority of splices would die within the first day of life due to having badly made organs/bad habitat...

Also, you wouldn't be able to collect them all because there would suddenly be millions and millions of creatures you could create.
I find this a little disturbing... I'm certainly not against genetic research, but something about 'making neat animals just because I can' seems wrong. It also feels a little ridiculous to be trying to make new life forms, when we can't even take care of the animals we've already got. I mean, there are only 4 white rhino's left in the entire world- humans are awful stewards of the planet.
I'm alright with genetically modified plants, "creatures" on the other hand are not acceptable.
I'm alright with genetically modified plants, "creatures" on the other hand are not acceptable.

I totally agree! Well, unless someone is making me a cat-girl ;)
Personally, while I can see the objections to this, I do have to think it could at least liven up this planet a bit. Evolution by itself tends to create kind of dull creatures, not like the somewhat more interesting enemies from video games or the species from Pokemon...

That said, I can only imagine the outrage if someone actually used a service like this to create real life versions of Pokemon and had them fight each other like in the games or anime. The series is controversial enough as it is, especially with lunatics like PETA...