Continuing on.....?


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Do you think you will ever reach a point in your life where you will stop playing video games? Why or why not? What makes you continue to play video games?
Nope. Playing video games is one of the only two things that make me not think about how depressed I am and how much the world really sucks. The day I quit video games is basically the day I quit life.

That came out darker than I intended.
Nope. Playing video games is one of the only two things that make me not think about how depressed I am and how much the world really sucks. The day I quit video games is basically the day I quit life.

That came out darker than I intended.

I can't imagine myself not being able to read. I've always enjoyed reading my whole entire life. Even before I learned to read on my own, I enjoyed it when someone would read to me. I can't imagine my life without a book or being able to read....

Back to the topic on hand, I think I will continue to play video games as long as Nintendo keeps producing consoles and video games.
I can't imagine myself not being able to read. I've always enjoyed reading my whole entire life. Even before I learned to read on my own, I enjoyed it when someone would read to me. I can't imagine my life without a book or being able to read....

Back to the topic on hand, I think I will continue to play video games as long as Nintendo keeps producing consoles and video games.
I like reading too, but I tend to think too much and I distract myself from reading. At least when I play video games, I'm more focused on that than thinking.
I'm doing business in the gaming industry, but I just can't let playing games go.
I don't play what everyone else here plays, since I just can't stand games like GTA, FIFA, COD/BF, etc.
Instead I mainly play games from Nintendo, SEGA, Bandai Namco, and many indie games, which to me are much more enjoyable than violence, football, and warfare.
I play very little nowadays in comparison to what I did, so eventually other things may take over. I always imagine myself at least playing games for a little bit a week.
I only can play some games in some of my free time
and I only play it when I bored of something, angry of something, etc

maybe I will stop playing games when my age goes to 70 or well I cant think about when I quit games..., it because I can at least decreasing some stress of the day with games
Nope. Playing video games is one of the only two things that make me not think about how depressed I am and how much the world really sucks. The day I quit video games is basically the day I quit life.

That came out darker than I intended.

that's exactly how I'm thinking.

Honestly, After my divorce I really have no intention to take anything life has to offer. I don't do well single and I'm so lonely I just get into a fierce rut and stay there. I was off the market for so long that I really can't see myself with anyone. the longer I'm not with someone the more pissed off and depressed I am. Personally, I've grown to have a seriously negative idea on the concept of dating and women in general.

Because my life sucks so bad in order to keep myself out of trouble I just game. It's been 4yrs since my seperation and I've been fiercely playing the whole time.

My life is pretty much over but I get some joy from living through the storylines of the games and having those experiences. If I'm not doing that then I'm thinking about my sad excuse of a pathetic life.
I can see myself getting tired of the current gen games, which if I do I am more than ready to go play a ton of classics I want to replay or never got a chance to play.
I can see myself getting tired of the current gen games, which if I do I am more than ready to go play a ton of classics I want to replay or never got a chance to play.

I've seen myself take a break from the current generation consoles before to go back and play something on one of my older consoles. Especially since the Nintendo GameCube has not become "retro". That has always been my favorite console for some reason so I keep coming back to it form time to time.
I loved playing games as a kid and would say to myself "even when I grow up, I'm never gonna get tired or grow out of gaming". And now, I'm not as into gaming as I used to be (even though I have a gaming channel but still) however I don't know if I'll ever stop playing; I'm sure I'll always enjoy gaming, but playing for hours and hours until my eyes and hands hurt is something I can't do anymore and I'm Ok with that lol.