Could you live without tech?


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How about: Could you live without technology? Unfortunately in today’s world, we would be hard pressed to say Yes to this. Even though I unplug often, I DO rely on tech. Could we live without it? We would have to wouldn’t we! We don’t need tech however we have to admit it does make life much easier.
Nope. I'd lose access to most of my friends (including my girlfriend); my job; and most of my hobbies!
I could live without tech. Many years ago, I had longer power outage, and most of my electronics won't turn ON without power because all my electronics were not battery powered, and got powered from my home's power outlet.
I'd be able to go to work and home. Maybe I'd watch TV more. Maybe my attention span would be longer, but that sure would be something.
I don't think you'll find many people on this forum who would say YES. There will be many people who want to live without tech but it is actually not possible for them. We all are aware that using too much tech gears is not good for you but still we use it for long hours everyday.
As long as I had plenty of books to read, then yes. I wouldn't have my Kindle Fire if I have to do without technology, however, if I have enough physical books or I at least have access to plenty through the library then I would be okay I think.
I don't think you'll find many people on this forum who would say YES. There will be many people who want to live without tech but it is actually not possible for them. We all are aware that using too much tech gears is not good for you but still we use it for long hours everyday.

Technology has made lives of people to be better. So, I don't think anyone would want to go back to the stone age