Creepiest video game music?


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What do you think is the creepiest video game music you've heard? For me, I'd say it depends on how you're defining 'horror', or 'scary' music. If you mean a subtle tone that drives you insane and scares you half to death in the process, you've got the Ocarina of Time music:



But Joke's End from Mario and Luigi might be a bit like this after a long time:


If you mean loud, jump out your seat type music, I don't really think much of that exists in video games. But at least one of the Donkey Kong 64 themes might count:


Your ideas?
Nin, this song will always creep me out:
I was going to say Joke's End, but you beat me to it, Nin.

If you want some really interesting horror music, some of the Dementium themes do a pretty good job at making music that's just... weird. Although it can get annoying at times. I'd get examples, but there's no sound on the computer I'm on, darn it.
Oh yes, can't forget Lavender Town. That was one creepy as heck theme.

Not that it's the only Pokemon gen 1/2 theme to be creepy. Many of the indoor themes were a bit unnerving:






Gen 1 and 2 had the creepiest music.
this creeps me out so much

and this
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I knew you'd post that, you talked about how creepy that area is/was in the Mario section the other day or so.
yup i find it pretty creepy.
I was going to post Lavender Town, but Arcella beat me to it. That forces me to post this:

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I'm obviously not easily creeped out then, the Lavender Town music sounds ALMOST happy to me, there are like two or three off notes. Also Giygas was kinda boring, it was not a fun fight at all and the background was just an effed up skull that kept talking about the main character or something. Never really had an impact on me.

Not only is it creepy music, it's also slight ear rape. Technically it's not music at all, but in some cases it's creepy.


This song gives me a pretty creepy vibe too.
Look up the old PS1 game LSD (Surprisingly not based on or inspired by drugs). The game itself is creepy and they added weird music to make it creepier.
I was thinking of posting this too, heh.

The skeletal hands and the increase in volume/intensity of the music as you drift down into the depths of the river really made me feel uncomfortable.
Well the original Lavender Town music (which only appears in the first edition Japanese Red/Green. They replaced it in all other versions) is probably the most creepy i know. (or at least can remember, i probably repressed all the worse ones). But the following are pretty creepy:

This one might be pushing the definition a bit, but i have to post it:
This one might be pushing the definition a bit, but i have to post it:
That is from the creepy pasta, right? I have to admit I was a little discomforted by that story but I know it is fake.
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I swear that when i was listening to that submerged castle music just right now,I opened it on youtube to read the comments,then i stopped it...AND IT WOULDNT STOP!
then i paused both of them and it still wouldnt stop
.so then i just muted it
That is from the creepy pasta, right? I have to admit I was a little discomforted by that story but I know it is fake.
It may be, but it's just the Song of Healing backwards, and i decided to post it simply because it sounds really creepy.