Crimson Shroud question (Minotaur)


Well-Known Member
I bought Crimson Shroud from the nintendo e-shop, but I am ashamed to say I am already stuck! I really like the game, so maybe someone could help me with some tips?

I defeated the Minotaur in the "tower of Solis" and choose "Search the room from top to bottom". After investigating the room, Lippi pulls a lever.

"You move the heavy lever and a sound like the grinding of gears reverberates from deep below your feet."

Next it says: "Now to search for some sign of what the lever moved. You leave the tower behind."

I was hoping that now there would be access to a new room, but I find myself visiting the same places over and over. I have been to every part of the map more than twice. I am really missing something.

Someone have a solutions as to what to do next?

Kind regards,

Go to the East Corridor - there is a stairwell there now that they will immediately announce as "the lever actually did something!" and then start talking about why the design is weird because the lever is so far away from the room.
Ha. Yeah. And from here on in, you will find the clues get even more vague and the game will make you grind for hours (I spent 2-3 hours getting bad luck waiting on the next required rare item drop).

I read online how you need to kill archers first. took me about 6 runs to get that next drop. Total time played to beat the first play-through was 2:34 (but it felt like a LOT longer)