Think they will have the guts to kill her in this version?
She did not die in CC timeline before so no they will not kill her in this game. In the main game however I think it will happen again, Nomura and Nojima are just messing with our minds on the possibility of Aerith not getting killed by Sephy in the remake version Imo. And if they decide to kill Tifa in the remake (
she's stabbed dead by Sephy in a vision in the remake
), the world will revolt !
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More stuff, read from gematsu:

  • Zack appears more often in Final Fantasy VII Remake than he does in the original Final Fantasy VII. We moved forward with the planning and development of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion with the desire to better understand the character known as Zack. It’s not something we planned when the Final Fantasy VII Remake project began.
  • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion has been improved to the point that there is no part from the original game we left untouched. To put it as simply as possible, all of the assets have been replaced. Camerawork and motions have also been adjusted. And all of the summons cutscenes have been completely remade.
  • Other than Zack, key characters such as Cloud, Aerith, and Sephiroth have been remade with great effort.
  • Battles have also been significantly enhanced with the idea of improving the tempo. Zack’s attacks can now be connected in combos, and magic and abilities can now be selected via shortcuts. By abolishing some of the D.M.W. cutscenes, battles now proceed more smoothly. Additionally, the Limit Breaks and summons that previously activated immediately when their Digital Mind Wave slots aligned can now be activated at your own discretion.
  • With more buttons available on current platforms compared to the original PSP release, you can freely move the camera with the right analog stick, including in battle.
  • Elements of Final Fantasy VII Remake have also been introduced into the battle system. For example, a mode change has been implemented that allows Zack to unleash strong attacks.
  • All scenes in which characters appear and dialogue text is displayed are fully voiced. NPCs are also voiced.
  • While not true for all major characters, some character voices have been newly recorded. Genesis, who is voiced by GACKT, was already fully voiced when the PSP version released.
  • We made some small adjustments such the positioning of treasure chests and so on to improve playability, but since this is ultimately a remaster, there are no new missions or anything like that.
  • A “Hard Mode” has been added (this was also included in the western release of the original Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII), which you can select as your difficulty level from the very beginning. You can enjoy challenging battles in which enemies have high HP and how you approach combat requires a bit more thought. You can change the difficulty level at any time during the game.
  • The story is a faithful reproduction of the original game, and no new story has been added as a result of Final Fantasy VII Remake. The Final Fantasy VII Remake project was created in a way so that the mystery behind the story can be understood by playing through to the end, and was not made with the intention of changing the past. Thus, the story of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion has not been revised in the sense that history has changed.
  • We made visual adjustments to match Final Fantasy VII Remake, such as the design of the Buster Sword and the appearance of summons.