Crisis Core - Final Fantasy 7 - Reunion Remaster


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Releasing in the one true way, who picked it up?
I did , as posted on last game bought lol
I think my plan is in... August I'll play this, then FF 7 remake and then the second part of FF 7 remake should be out that I can just keep playing. Will just make myself sick with (the plot) FF7.
A good plan.
and still no official Tifa's costa del sol Bikini PLOT reveal to post on GL's PLOT Discord Channel dang!
Digital Foundry Tech Analysis:
Game's new HD 3d realtime Models, Lighting, Bloom, Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, Rays are great, Recorded the scene before the Wutai Mission running on my PC:
Annnd finally! recorded Scene 1 of Upgraded Cowgirl Tifa PLOT! yay! Demon_Skeith Demon_Skeith
Recorded Upgraded Cowgirl Tifa PLOT Scene 2:
I feel like... it's low res?
It's a bit disappointing because The Tifa 3d model in this is with lower polycount compared to Zack and his gang's new 3d model. Cissnei has much higher Polycount compared to Tifa here, Dang it SE!

Cowgirl Tifa model is like this in the ff7 Remake short flashback scenes:
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