Cutting Vegetables


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Instead of cutting vegetables I often cut my fingers instead damn... It hurts bad sometimes and it's really a pain to type too.

May be that's why I hate cooking so much.

Anyone here love cooking?

If so, how do you cut those damned vegetables?
I just buy them pre-cut :P
lol that's "cheating"!
Ah yes, like in rpgs, gloves can give at least +1 protection, preferably a pair with slashing skill+2 or that can increase your dexterity roll. And yes gloves make it safer when cutting/slashing stuff outside gaming too.
Something to think about, is it possible that the OP may be cutting his veggie the wrong way or just bad luck (like knife slipping for example)?
A knife with a better knife handle, and knife blade design may reduce the chance of cutting yourself as well.
I have tried many different knives guys but it's still the same... Is as if I am cursed or something like that :(
May be someday I would learn cutting them without cutting myself
Maybe practicing cutting with a plastic knife and soft food like ice cream can make you better at cutting.
I don't think such stuff are available around where I live. In local stores I don't think I could find pre cut vegetables. May be i should try ordering them online.....
I wonder what's the cost difference now. the refrigerator?
Wouldn't that be hard? Never mind, I will have to learn to cut the vegetables properly. It's like a compulsion and eventually I might learn it but I just wish that day would come faster rather than later.