Da DS's 2021 Gaming Schedule

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Alright, 2021 was the year of making a huge dent to the backlog! So lets see the plan for the year...

My PS4 stats: Demon_Skeith's PSN Profile

Working on currently: A Hat in Time (PS4)/Yugioh Destiny Duelist (Switch)

Next: Gundam SD game

Break Games (I play at random times): Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Naruto storm 4, Gundam Versus (PS4), CoD Black ops 3, Destiny 2, 20XX

Plans for 2022:

Neptunia Virtual Stars(PS4)
Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido (Switch)
I Am Setsuna (PS4)
Ys: Memories of Celceta (PS4)
Bravely Default II (Switch)
Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (Switch)
Neptunia x Senran Kagura: Ninja Wars (PS4)

Maybe play? (2022-2023):

Code Vein (PS4)
Spyro Trilogy (PS4)
Shovel Knight (PS4)
odin sphere leifthrasir (PS4)
Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness (PS4)
Life is Strange
Ratchet and Clank (PS4)
SAO Lost Song (PS4)
Hollow Knight (ps4)
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX (PS4)
Bubble Bobble 4 Friends (Switch)
Sniper Ghost Warriors Contracts (PS4)
Ni Nu Kuni 2 (PS4)
Goblin Sword (Switch)
Ghost of Tsushima
Indivisible (PS4)
Sword Art Online: Alicization Lycoris (PS4)
Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin (PS4)
Paper Mario Origami (Switch)
Dragon's Crown Pro (Ps4)
13 Sentinel Aegis Rim (PS4)
Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (Switch)
Fariy Tale
Tales of Arise
Kena: Bridge of Spirits
Ori: The Collection

Maybe play? (2023-2024):
Spider-man (Ps5)
Final Fantasy 7 Remake (PS5)
Ruinverse (switch)

Completed 2021:

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV (PS4)
Blazblue Central Fiction (PS4)
Blazblue Cross Tag Battle (PS4)
Cash Bandicoot Trilogy & 4(PS4)
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory (PS4)
Astral chain (Switch)
World of final fantasy (ps4)
7th Dragon III Code: VFD (3DS)
Tokyo Xanadu eX+ (PS4)
Kirby Plaent Robot (3DS)
The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword HD (switch)
Witch and the hundred knight 2 (ps4)
Perfect Dark Zero (Xbox 360)
Perfect Dark Remaster (Xbox 360)
007 Goldeneye Remaster (Xbox 360)
Metroid Dread (Switch)
Luigi's Mansion 3 (Switch)
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)

Completed 2020:

Fire Emblem Three Houses (Switch)
Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late[Cl-R] (Ps4)
Granblue Fantasy: Versus (PS4)
Nier: Automata (PS4)
Shining Resonance (ps4)
UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection (ps4)
UnCharted 4
Uncharted lost legacy.
Shantae and the Seven Sirens (PS4)
Bloodstained: Ritual Of The Night (PS4)
Radiant Historia: Perfect Chronology (3DS)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III
Fire Emblem Warriors (3DS)

Completed 2019:

Metroid Samus Returns (3DS)
Dragon Ball FighterZ (PS4)
Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4) - Platinum'd!
Dragon Quest 7 (3DS)
Dragon Quest 11 (ps4) - Platinum'd!
Tales of Berseria (ps4)
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition (PS4)
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA (PS4)
Megaman 11 (PS4)
River City Girls (PS4)
Super Mario Odyssey (Switch)
Final Fantasy Dissidia NT (PS4)
Neptunia 4 goddess online (PS4)

Completed 2018:

.hack//G.U. Last Recode (plated)
Persona 5
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Wii U)
Fairy fencer f advent dark force (PS4)
Valkyria Chronicles Remastered (PS4)
Valkyria Chronicles 4 (PS4)

Completed 2017:

Bravely Second (3DS)
Azure Gunvolt 2 (3DS)
Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE (wii U)
Final Fantasy Type 0
Infamous Second Son
Batman Arkham knight
Naruto Storm 4
Kingdom Hearts 2.8 (PS4) (aqua story only)
Yooka Laylee
Megademsion Neptunia VII
Shantae half genie hero

Completed 2016:

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (wii)
Tales of Xillia 2 (PS3)
Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)
tales of symphonia (PS3)
Destiny TTK
tales of symphonia chronicles Dawn of the new world (PS3)
Senran Kagura Deep crimson (3DS)
Stella Glow (3DS)
blazblue chrono phantasma extend
Fire Emblem Fates
Megaman Legends 2
Kingdom Hearts Remix 1 and 2 (PS3)
Trails of Cold Steel (PS3)
Trails of Cold Steel 2(PS3)
Tales of Zestiria
hyperdimension neptunia


Pandora's Tower (wii)
Resonance of Fate (PS3)
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No Tales of Arise on the list?
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