Daily GL General Chat

Friday, Friday, Friday! Finally finished with my Uni work so I can truly relax and not bother with any work this weekend.
Batman has a new villain in the comics, Angel Breaker, accomplice to Talia al Guhl, was trained by Black Canary:

Oooooh, animated debut when?
Avengers going pre historic lol
Saw a video on new Lego Luke's Landspeeder
Saw this, 100 year old Guinness World Record Holder
Saw this video, Moon Knight 101:
DC Celebrates George Pérez’s Birthday:

Saw a video on Japanese School Lunches:
Saw a video on a Female Japanese Delivery Worker:
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Love that we finally have football and the F1 back together. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day watching both!
Saw PAX East 2022 Showfloor video: