Damn... there goes all the Nintendo music...


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TimmyTurnersDad has had his account suspended on Youtube like Silvagunner and DeoxysPrime.
What!? I'm sure he'll be back up eventually. I didn't even know deoxysprime was down...freakin' Youtube...what ARE we allowed to upload?


He was my stop for all things Nintendoly Musical.
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[font=arial, sans-serif]YouTube account TimmyTurnersDad has been terminated because we have received multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants, including:
  • 下村陽子
  • 下村陽子
  • 下村陽子
[font=arial, sans-serif]YouTube account TimmyTurnersDad has been terminated because we have received multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants, including:
  • 下村陽子
  • 下村陽子
  • 下村陽子
The claimants are all the from the same company/entity?
Apparently, one of the claimants is:

Yoko Shimomura

And his memorial video:

Ugh, it's ridiculous. Do the artists expect us to pay for the music? I mean, really now. In an age where online piracy is committed on millions of accounts daily (not talking YT accounts, mind you), you'd think that the artists would just appreciate the popularity boost that their work receives from people like TimmyTurnersDad.
I agree. It's worse that we're losing them all by the minute (music uploaders). First when SilvaGunner, then DeoxysPrime, now TimmyTurnersDad... when will it end?
Wow, remember when Youtube was okay with these things?

What happened to the You, in Youtube? Now it's all about companies and copyright.
I guess I can still look of music but it won't be in such a good quality as TT's Dad.
* 下村陽子
* 下村陽子
* 下村陽子

* Shimomura Youko
* Shimomura Youko
* Shimomura Youko

I'm sure you'll recognize that as "Shimomura Yoko" (stupid Google)

You know what REALLY gets me?
YouTube has been around since 2005. For five years or so, millions of video game music videos have been uploaded. I'm not exaggerating, infact, it may even be billions, literally.
Yet, why is it that only recently, video game music has become a problem? Also, who's next? Us? Me? I've uploaded a lot of videogame music. There is a certain YouTuber who's uploads I've actually contributed to.

Seriously, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have this:
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Ugh, it's ridiculous. Do the artists expect us to pay for the music? I mean, really now. In an age where online piracy is committed on millions of accounts daily (not talking YT accounts, mind you), you'd think that the artists would just appreciate the popularity boost that their work receives from people like TimmyTurnersDad.

I agree. It's worse that we're losing them all by the minute (music uploaders). First when SilvaGunner, then DeoxysPrime, now TimmyTurnersDad... when will it end?

I agree too. You would expect them to appreciate it, but noooooooooo.

Its alright stopping one person, but there's probably millions of videos already that will give you the same music, including or not including the gameplay. It might not be as high of the quality, but you can't stop it. It'll keep on happening and people will continue to upload the music.
To be fair, there are also many sites and programs that allow people to rip audio from a Youtube video, but it still pisses me off that all the music uploaders are being shut down. I'm worried the devastation may be brought farther and they'll start shutting down remixers as well. I NEED my HaunterShadow. I need it or I will explode.
One of the posts here just got me thinking, and now I'm scared...
What if actual gameplay footage suddenly ends up being a violation of copyright from their respective developers? Like, what if a Super Mario World video was removed on copyright claims by Shigeru Miyamoto?

On the other hand, composers such as Grant Kirkhope and Graeme Norgate seem to be fine with their music being uploaded. Infact, haven't they used some of these videos on their sites? Or am I mistaken?

The point is like I said, why is it only NOW? Heck, why at all? Seriously, what the HELL is wrong with freely listening to some video game music from a video game, without the sound effects? If it's an actual song, then that's understandable, but this is just a piece of music in a video game. It's hardly violating copyright, is it? Are they selling the music as their own and trying to earn money? No. They're just freely uploading it to YouTube to listen to that. What's wrong with that? If there's something wrong with listening to VGM on music, then you might as well tell people to mute their TVs when playing games because the music is copyrighted
One of the posts here just got me thinking, and now I'm scared...
What if actual gameplay footage suddenly ends up being a violation of copyright from their respective developers? Like, what if a Super Mario World video was removed on copyright claims by Shigeru Miyamoto?
If that happens, YouTube should just take down their gaming category. Pardon the language, but it's pretty much a "fuck you" to about... A lot of the YouTube and gaming communities.