Delayed games

As a Nintendo fan, I know this quote well and agree with it. Though you can make a bad game good with patches nowadays, but the general idea holds. Do it right the first time. This is an issue that has plagued the Sonic series for years. They forced Sonic 06 to be released by a certain date for sales reasons and that game is forever mocked as one of the worst games of all time because of it. I have enough going on in my life that I am more than willing to wait for a game to be ready.
I think Mighty No. 9 broke this quote this week.
Final Fantasy's most recent online game is an excellent example of this. I mean they had to destroy the world and do the whole game over again that thing was so bad. Yes sometimes they still miss the mark, but taking time and not releasing till the game is where they want it is exactly what more developers need to do now.
I never really agreed with the implication of that quote. Yes, if you release a bad game, it is forever bad.. but just delaying a game rarely means the game is much better. Many times it just means they deleted some design that they had worked on for years, and replaced it with something they thought of in a week and implemented in a month.