Deserts, Dragons, and the Never Setting Sun


Just a little story I decided to make. it was originally gonna be the origin of Majora (LoZ MM) but couldn't figure out what to say. So I got one paragraph in, and my brain got screwed over. xq so, I decided to keep going but make up a different story...actually, once i can get this done, i can continue on with the Majora story. hell, this is the legend, so Fierce Deity can come next! and please don't hate. if your here for that, then get the hell out. Post something positive or helpful (Excluding "DO A BETTER JOB NEXT TIME!"), not complete bullsh!t that i waste my time reading. Thanks for cooperating. I'm planning on making a picture of the dragons (Hand drawn, won't be colored) when the character first sees one.


The Setting Sun. It never fully awakes, yet never falls asleep. Some call it the Hour of Power, others the Hell Ablaze. It's been like that for Millennia. The planet doesn't tilt nor turn.
It only shares it's universe with it's two moons, Kormata and Foriko.
But the planet is almost like a barren desert. Dead trees fill the landscape, along with enormous sand dunes.
But oddly, this planet is home to humans and other creatures that mingle together. They all must stick together, for if one leaves, it may never find it's way back with the constant sand storms. And there's always a threat of Sand Dragons.
Sand Dragons roam these lands as kings. No one has ever seen one and lived to tell the tale.
It's said that they have slick sand color scales, Rigid sharp spines and a crown-like head.

But there is a legend of these giant brutes. Legend says that there is one that rules over all the dragons of the desert-Kralj Harenis or King of Sands in the locals language.
It's said that it's over triple the size of a normal Sand Dragon and rests in a cave deep in the desert.
It's also supposed to have thick and heavy armor to help protect himself.
The legend also tells of a Human who went into it's cave and slain it with it's sword.
No one knows if he had succeeded or failed.

This is the origin of that legend...
Excellent imagery you've got going on there, I could imagine the setting with ease! Now I'm really captivated, so that was a good, simple and short (but effective) prologue, heh.
thanks guys! ^-^

with the picture of the Sand Dragons, I couldn't wait any longer.
Taa-daaaaa! I'll attempt on coloring it on my computer.

And i forgot to mention-There IS offensive language in this. only f*ck and the really bad ones will be left out. So you better put your little bros/sisters/kids to bed.

*Chapter Note! Time on the planet! Their time does not go like ours does-24 hours in a day and 60 minutes in an hour. Due to them having an infinite sunrise/sunset, It never awakens the day or night fully. So, they've established more hours in a full day and a little something different than the PM and AM-L for Light (Daytime), N for Night (Nighttime). Their hours are 20 and minutes 90. So please don't be confused when it says N19:65 or L2:89. Thanks for reading this note!

Chapter 1


The legend begins in a community just below the Dunes of Helko called Goha.
"Our hero is a 12 year old boy. He's an average Human for his age. His name is To-"
Our narrator, TEF, got hit with a large ball in the face.
She lays on the ground for several seconds before fluttering her Pearl colored wings. Black looking blood rests on her lips and chin.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR YOU LITTLE JACKASS!?!?" She's fuming mad. If you look close, you can see the steam coming out of her ears.
A Boy runs over to her."Hey, I said Heads Up! I couldn't help that the ball was aiming right for your face."
"Fine. I'll forgive you THIS ONE time. Better enjoy it while you can."
"Heh, sorry."
"Now leave me alone. If your going to be a legendary fighter, I need to get down What you look like and where you live."
"OK, I'll see you later then!"

"Now, where was I...Oh yes," She wipes the blood off, and continues on. "That kid's name is Tokoris. He wants to be a legendary fighter once he's old enough....Psh, right.
He can't even cut a stick in half for crying out loud. But, he's been practicing for over a year now. Oh, I forgot about his looks.
He looks like one of them mischievous types. You know, always has a guilty look on his face. But he's a nice kid. With that emerald green and sand colored hair, if he were to be a legend, he'd be easy to notice. Not entirely fit or skinny, but it looks like he could wield a sword in a couple of years or so.
Oh, right. You can get an imagery out of him and not me, correct. I'm the Technologically Enhanced Fairy or TEF. As fairy's go, I'm way smaller than the average human. Wings are a pearl color and my body, an odd purple.
My name suggests i'm technologically enhanced, meaning i'm not like all the other fairy's (Go figure). My brain was implanted with a computer to store memories. So if i lost all memory, this little thing will kick in and make me remember whatever i saved into it. Like how right now I'm saving what i'm saying and seeing. And that results in changing my blood to a black oil-like stuff.

Well, it's Night now, so i shou-"
"Oh shit...TEF!! LOOK OUT!!"
She ducks right away and the ball nearly hits her, but just glances her right wing.

Not entirely the BEST first chapter ever.
ticks me off kinda. had to introduce the characters SOMEHOW. But, now that that's blown out of the water, I can get it really get it kick-started into gear.
Plus, I started this off yesturday and finished it today, and i'm still gawking in amazement at my pic. *-*
Whoa... I like that pic... A lot. *mutters* I wish I could draw like that...

Interesting story so far... Oddly enough, TEF reminds me of Tippi from Super Paper Mario, just with a lot more attitude and sarcasm (if that's the right word for it).

You know, this:


No offense of course, its just that's what TEF reminds me of a little.
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really? When i got the details and stuff down, this is what i got-
Tael for Majora's Mask. Only with Pearl colored wings. and yea, with the sarcasm and whatnot.

And as I said before the first chapter, I said that I will try to color the sand dragon. Well, this is the result-
It would have been insanely hard to actually add on scales.
*NOTE! Eh.....I don't think i included Tokoris's age.
he's meant to be about 12 years old.

Chapter 2


10 years later in Ripora....

Ripora. Just another town like Goha.
At least once a week a town has to move in case of Sand storms and weakening Sand dunes.
They have to slip off the covers of their homes (They basically live in big tents) and the dead tree wood holding it up.
They carry the pieces for at least a mile, as long as it's not immediately underneath a Dune.
As why Tokoris is in Ripora, the two towns, Ripora and Goha, joined together for one full day, then split apart. Anyone can join whichever town they want. Tokoris chose Ripora.

Inside his house, Tokoris is sharpening steel with a grinding wheel.
"Tokoris, I think that's sharp enough."
"Nonsense. If it's not sharp enough to cut through wood," he grabs the steel and cuts a thick piece of wood on the ground, then continues, "Then it's not sharp at all." A smirk grows over his mouth.
"But you not cutting wood with it you dummy!" explains TEF. "Your making it to cut a DRAGON. D-R-A-G-O-N. Not wood!" She twists her body away from him. "Besides the fact, where did you get that piece of...SCANNING FOR DATA....steel anyway?"
"I found it when Ripora joined with Yuika last month." He looks at the steel. "It was glowing in the sand, so I dug it out."
"Well, your lucky it wasn't a Glowka. That wouldn't have ended well."
"Feh, I'll say. Had to grab my wood spear just in case. It was glowing red when i picked it up and turned to this after about a minute."

"Hey Tokoris!"
Both TEF and Tokoris quickly look at the door. A woman about Tokoris's age is standing in the middle of it.
"Um...What's that floating thing? And why are you two looking at me with surprise? Kinda creeping me out."
Tokoris wipes the surprise off his face. "Oh, that's right. You two haven't met. Miaka, this is Tef, my...fairy buddy. Tef, this Miako, a friend of mine."
Miaka, same age as Tokoris, has ruby red hair and is another that stands out among normal humans with blue hair. (first color I picked, so don't ask please.)
She's fit, active, and has enough muscle to pick up a Sword or a heavy staff. (yes, there is a tad bit of magic in this, but not a heck of a lot. just fire and sand-based of course.)
She wears clothing only made of a red-colored cloth. It's made out of her shirt, shoes, and skirt. It possibly has something to do with her hair perhaps?
She's been in Ripora ever since she was 5. She's known these people for so long, she can't really go to a different town.
"Well, nice to meet you TEF!" Miaka says enthusiastically.
"Nice to meet you too!"
"So, what are you two doing?"
Tokoris was quick to reply. "Oh nothing, just sharpening a piece of me-"
TEF quickly fly's over to his head and hits him. She whispers to him, "You idiot, she doesn't know what that is! Tell her it's some weird silver piece of wood or something."
"Sorry, what was that? You said you were sharpening something?" Good thing she didn't hear.
"Oh, um, just a piece of wood I found. It's oddly heavy and silver."
"Oh. Well, see ya later!" she leaves as quickly as she came.

"See ya...Ho shit that was close."
TEF just stares at him with a raised eyebrow.
Tokoris sees this and questions it with "What?"
Her eyebrow lowers. "Oh nothing. I was just thinking of something."
"Terrific." He get's up off of the chair. "I'm going to get some wood for my hilt on this thing. see you in a bit."
"Be careful Tokoris. And remember about them damned Glowka's!"

Things you might want to know
Glowka-gigantic bugs that roam the planet. Their backs are covered in a weird red substance that often glows. They stay under the sand to move around and sleep and whatnot. it has huge jaws that can rip off a persons head in one bite.
Steel-Metals, like steel,are hard to come by. Whoever finds a piece has to keep it a secret. If not, the whole town could riot for that piece.
Chapter 3


2 Months have passed. Tokoris hasn't left Ripora. He practices with his newly made sword every night when everyone's asleep on a wooden dummy he made out of wood.
TEF helps him out. She fly's by the weak point and Tokoris slices at that area.
But one day, that all changed...

"Right here Tokoris!" TEF flies underneath the dummies arm.
"Grah!" He cuts the dummy with great accuracy, horizontally slicing it in half. "*pant, pant* I'm done. I can't do any more."
"Alright, that's good enough. time for bed."
He puts away the sword and grabs his quilt. (They sleep on the ground. A bed would be too heavy to lift) He falls asleep.
In his sleep, he has an unusual dream. The sands sink into the ground, and a lush green forest emerges.
He starts to walk towards the forest, but as soon as he takes a step, it all burns to ash, and then turns into sand.
The sand twists and turns into a sand dune with a cave inside. Sand Dragons flow out of the cave like blood flows out of a cut.
A roar so loud emits from the cave. Tokoris walks over inside it and sees a dark figure with glowing blue eyes. It's much bigger than any sand dragon. But it doesn't look like a dragon at all.
What is it? Could it be the infamous Kralj Harenis staring at him?
Then suddenly, everything fades away into a black nothingness. He left the Dream Realm. (I like calling dreams the Dream Realm for some reason)
He awakes to see TEF trying to wake him up.
"Tokoris....Tokoris...Tokoris! Get up! You got to see this! Tokoris!!"
He shakes his head, and get's up.
"Finally! Take a look outside!"

He peers through the doorway. There looks to be fireballs or something shooting across the sky and crashing into the sand.
Then, in the sky, one fireball ten times bigger than the others approaches Ripora.
Miaka runs out of her house and runs to Tokoris and TEF. "Tokoris! We have to get out of here!"
The ball slowly get's closer.
"TEF, look. That's not a fireball. It's black on the inside. It looks like it's cracking into pieces..."
"TOKORIS!! Get going! that thing is going to hit us!" Miaka runs towards the crowd outside Ripora.
"Tokoris, if you want a death wish, here it is. We're getting out of here." TEF leaves and catches up with Miaka.
It's not going to hit us, he thinks. It's going to break before it reaches us.
It slowly looms closer. It's close enough to get a good look at it.

Tokoris is right. The object is cracking. The cracks get bigger and bigger until it finally breaks apart.
Large chunks rip off of the main one, and get lost in the sands. The rest on the thing stay intact, and crash into the sand 100 feet of Ripora.
Tokoris quickly runs over to the crater left by the object. All that's left of it is a glowing blue core.

Kinda had to stop it there. I even have no clue what's inside of the core yet. That's the first thing i'm gonna do next chapter.

Ed-and btw-it was a meteor shower.
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Chapter 4


As soon as it began, the Fire Storm is over.
"Hoo! That was a close one!" Miaka gives out a sigh of relief.
"Yea. Good thing that thing broke into pieces. I guess Tokoris was right....wait, where is he?"
Both TEF and Miaka look around themselves.
"Tokoris?" No one replies. "Tokoris!" they both bolt into Ripora.
They look inside every tent. There's no one in any of them.
They start to worry. A Glowka could have easily taken him with the distraction.
"TOKORIS!!" They both yell with all of their breath.

"Right here!" Tokoris emerges from between two of the tents.
"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!?" TEF zooms straight for him. "We were worried sick!"
"I was....nowhere." It seems he's keeping something to himself. TEF easily sees this.
Miaka approaches the two. "Tokoris, don't you dare lie to us." anger can be heard in her voice.
"I was nowhere damnit! Now leave me alone." He leaves and enters his tent.
He get's under his blanket, and falls back asleep.

Tokoris has another dream almost as weird as the first.
On top of a sand dune, he sees a town lit ablaze with green flames.
A Sand Dragon flies past the town, aiming for another one close by.
The dune sinks beneath his feet. He falls into a cave.
Inside, someone is fighting a dragon with a weird looking sword.
The dragon swipes at him, and the person get's flown across the cave.
He get's up, and throws his weapon at it. it pierces it's neck.
The person then quickly runs up to it, jumps and lands on the dragon.
But before he can see what happens, everything fades to black again...
Sorry guys, but I got some computer problems.
it keeps resetting on me nearly every 3 minutes or so. My bro is running some tests to try to get rid of te damned virus that's causing it. If all else fails, I have to back up files I want to keep and wipe out all my memory on it. Psh, minus well sell it and buy a MacBook or something...
To top it off, I nearly had it done. But as soon as I got to one part, it reset. T-T it was a big chapter too.

So once again, sorry for those who were waiting for chapter 5.

Ed-BTW, I'm typing through my IPhone if your wondering.
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Sorry guys, but I got some computer problems.
it keeps resetting on me nearly every 3 minutes or so. My bro is running some tests to try to get rid of te damned virus that's causing it. If all else fails, I have to back up files I want to keep and wipe out all my memory on it. Psh, minus well sell it and buy a MacBook or something...
To top it off, I nearly had it done. But as soon as I got to one part, it reset. T-T it was a big chapter too.

So once again, sorry for those who were waiting for chapter 5.

Ed-BTW, I'm typing through my IPhone if your wondering.

D@mn it, I hate viruses. And malware. And pretty much anything else that infects a PC and makes it useless.
heh, yea. it's a pain in the @$$.

well, so far my computer reset 5 or so times afterwards. right now, it only reset once far.
Just in case it DOES reset again, I'm only going to put up a part of chapter 5, then the other later on today (possibly). just hope i can remember it all....

Chapter 5 Part 1


Ripora wan't the only one to be attacked by the Fire Storm.
Ario, which is far, far away from Ripora, saw the storm.
Unlike Ripora, which got lucky, Ario also had a giant ball aiming at them.
There was only one survivor amongst the whole community. Nobody know's what happened to that person.

2 days have passed since the incident....

"What was inside that thing, Tokoris?" TEF and Miaka are getting angry at Tokoris. They're constantly asking him.
But he's keeping it to himself. And his reply is always the same-"If you can find someone that saw me walk over there, then bring them here!"
No one saw what Tokoris actually did. Everyone was outside Ripora, watching the Fire fall.
It's mid-day. Tokoris decides to take a nap.
He get's on top of his quilt, and relaxes.
'I can't help it that they're getting mad at me for not telling,' he says in his thoughts. 'It's that thing that's making me do it. I just feel no emotions. Just anger.'
He slowly closes his eyes, and drifts asleep.

(One last dream before it all starts....)

Tokoris has yet another dream.
Right in front of him lies a forest. When he takes a step, it doesn't burn into ash. He manages to walk in the forest.
Almost immediately he can smell flowers. It completely fills the air. Cute little animal noises fill the air.
He walks deeper into the forest. But somethings odd. Everything is bright. He looks up. The sun has risen. Instead of the red-nd sky, its a beautiful green.
He continues walking. he hears a yell. It's coming from above. he looks up to see a little red creature falling from the trees.
Tokoris isn't able to catch it, so it hits the ground. It then get's up and dusts it'self off with it's stubby arms with no hands. Then it turns around, sees Tokoris and runs off.
Before it ran, he could see its face was white, with 2 black eyes. What was that thing? It was kinda cute.
Tokoris is even deeper in the forest now. The smell of flowers leaves, replacing it with rotting meat. The noise is replaced with roars and screams. Everything slowly turns dark. The sun is replaced with a moon.
Tokoris finally finds something he knows-a cave. He enters it, and finds huge hunks of metal. But it's much to heavy to carry around.
He rips off a big leaf from a tree, and place sit at the entrance.
He walks away, and the forest fades away, replacing it with sand. The sun is back at it's normal position.
There's an object piercing the sun in the distance. A statue? Before Tokoris starts off towards it, everything fades into blackness again...

hey, I think i actually nailed it!

Ed-I added in a little something that wasn't in originally.
if you know, keep it to yourself please.
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*please no [acronym=Bullshit Blue-Screen]BBS[/acronym] this time*

Chapter 5 Part 2

Tokoris awakes to hear screams and shouts. He get's up and walks outside to see everyone running around.
Amongst all the commotion, TEF finds Tokoris. "What's going on!?" she yells.
"I'd like to know the same thing!" after finishing those words, he finds out.
A giant roar echo's Ripora. Everyone stops screaming and running. Tokoris goes into the direction of the sound.
In the distance, a town is lit ablaze. Green flame completely fills the town.
Something emerges from the town. It's a Sand Dragon. It's headed straight for Ripora.
Tokoris dashes inside his tent and grabs his sword. The dragon lands in the middle of town.
It looks just as the rumors told. It has slick sand color scales, Rigid sharp spines and a crown-like head. It's wings are a brilliant blue and fades into a sand towards the wing.
It's iris in its eyes are blue, and the sclera are green. But it also looks like it's wearing a helmet, for the spikes on it's head extend down by the nose, covering the eyes from the front.
It gives a shake, and a man flies off of it. He hits the ground with immense force. There's no way he can be alive.
"TEF! Find it's weak spot!" Tokoris readies for an attack. TEF flies over towards the dragon.
" with the sword...." The man speaks. He's alive. His voice is only a whisper. Tokoris runs over to him. "Take the....lance from it's chest....pierce it's throat...." He passes out unconscious.

"Tokrois!" TEF yells by the dragon. "I found a spear or something in it's chest! That might be the weak spot!"
"Great!" he yells back. "Stay where it is!"
Tokoris readies to throw his sword like the person did in his dream. But before he could throw it, the dragon whips him with it's tail.
He crashes to the ground. He slowly get's up. "God damnit," he mutters.
The dragon turns towards Tokoris. suddenly it's surrounded by sand. What's going on? He looks behind the dragon to see Miaka with a staff.
Tokoris is caught by surprise. "Miaka! Since when the hell did you learn to use magic!?"
"Since when the hell did you learn to be a swordsman!?" she snaps back.
"TOKORIS GOD DAMNIT! I'M STILL IN THE FIKIN SANDSTORM OVER HERE!!!" TEF is caught with the dragon inside the surrounding sand.
The dragon slashes at the sand, but as soon as a whole emerges, it shrinks back to sand.
TEF breaks out of the sand. "The spear is right here!" she hovers at one specific spot.
Tokoris put's his sword on his belt, runs over to that spot and jumps into the sand. He immediately sees the spear and grabs onto it.
He places himself onto the dragons chest and rips the lance out of it's chest. As doing so, the Dragon belows a giant roar.
Tokoris lands on the ground with the triple-pronged lance in hand. "TEF! Aim for the neck." Miaka stops the sands from surrounding the dragon.

Where the lance once was is now a red cut. White light is emitting from the cut.
Tokoris goes for one last jump. The dragon goes on all four like an animal and emits another roar.
Tokoris jumps, but the dragon whips it's tail.But it's too late. Tokoris strikes the beast in the neck, piercing right through it.
"Die, you shithead! This is what you get for attacking my home and my friends!!" Tokoris grabs his sword and gives it one last stab.
The beasts eyes widen. It get's on it's hind legs and shakes it's entire body uncontrollably. Tokoris get's flown off and lands on a tent.
More white light emerges. It covers it's eyes, mouth, it's entire body. It lets put one last roar. Then it explodes into sand.
"Ha....I did it..." Tokoris relaxes. "I really did it...." He starts to drift asleep. he slowly closes his eyes.
"Tokoris! Tokoris!!" the voice is unrecognizable. It slowly fades away. "Tokoris.....Tokoris....."

Hoo! No reset! so happy now!

Ed-crap, I forgot to mention what a Sand dragon Looks like! added it in now!
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Oooh, crazy Sand Dragon battle! But... where did the Sand Dragon come from in the first place? DUN-DUN-DUNNNNNNNN.
So! Tokoris beat a sand dragon, the mystery guy is unconscious, and Tokoris passed out after beating the dragon.
But before I go on with Chapter 6, I'm gonna give a little bonus chapter. While you read, listen to this song.

Bonus Chapter

[background=white]Blackened Sand,
[/background] [background=black]Whitened Flame[/background]

CODE ERROR - 48 2 56 24 5 87 29: NO MEMORY RECALL.

Black sand and White sky. Tokoris doesn't know where he is. Is this another dream? It doesn't seem real.
'This must be home,' he says to himself. He looks in every direction. There's just Black Dunes and the white sky.
No sun either. This is odd. He bends down and picks up a hand full of sand. It's real sand all right.
All of a sudden, screams can be heard in the distance. It's coming from one of the dunes. Tokoris dashes towards it.
After what seemed like minutes, he get's to the top of it. No ones there. The scream is heard again, from a different dune. He go's towards it.
Once again, he get's to the top, but everything is still. The screams are coming from the dune he just left.
"Stop toying with me damnit!!" Tokoris yells with all of his breath.
"Hello? Are you lost?" Tokoris twists behind him. A woman is standing there.
"Uh, no ma'am."
"Come with me." She starts walking away.
"No thanks. I really must get-"
"COME. WITH. ME." Suddenly evil is heard in her voice. Tokoris doesn't want to tick her off any more, so he follows.
It doesn't seem like she knows where she's going. She's walking in zigzags, turns left, then right. The woman stops at a pillar sticking out of the black sand.
She then sticks her hand in the sand in front of the pillar, and lifts open a cellar. She then continues in.
The cellar is just as black as the sand. But suddenly, everything lights up. Torches are lit ablaze with [background=black]White flame[/background].

As he stares at the torches, he notices the woman disappears. There's a tunnel lit up with the torches. She must have gone there.
Tokoris Runs through the tunnels, until he enters a huge arena like area. This too is lit.
This area is a dead end. Where did she go?
In the center of the floor is a semi-sphere sticking out. He steps on it. It sinks into the ground.
The roof opens in effect of the sphere. A Dragon immediately flies in once it fully opens. In it's claws is a body with red hair...Miaka?
Before he could wonder who it is, the dragon roars powerfully at Tokoris. He can't stand his ground: He hits the wall.
It then throws the body at Tokoris' feet. It's Miaka.
"What the hell have you done!? What have I done to you!?" Tears well up in his eyes.
'Exactly what you have done unto one of mine.' It readies it's white flame, and fires it directly at Tokoris and Miaka's lifeless body.

He tries to yell in pain from the fire, but it's interrupted with the dragons tail meeting Tokoris' body. He hits the wall again.
He can barely stand up. The dragon swipes with it's claw, and takes out his legs. he falls face first to the ground.
Blood now covers his whole body. What once was his sand colored hair is now bloodstained red.
He can't move. He can only just lift his head enough to see the dragons next move.
'You DARE kill one of mine again,' It's talking into his mind. It readies another flame and continues on, 'I'll do much worse than you can imagine.' It spits it's fire at Tokoris.
He closes his eyes, and the heat of the fire burns them shut.
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Gah, this post was a waste of space. Xd
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