Multi Destiny 2's Grasp of Avarice Take Pot Shot at Loot Cave Exploit from Destiny 1


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Source: Destiny 2 Grasp Of Avarice Dungeon Is Hilariously Salty About A 7-Year-Old Exploit


And yet Bungie made an entire Loot Cave-themed dungeon and filled it with gags specifically aimed at players like me, who opted to avoid playing the game in favor of shooting at a dark cave.

Grasp of Avarice is an elaborate send-up of those Guardians. The entire dungeon plays on a theme of greed, the implication being that those of us who stood at that cave were too greedy for Bungie's vision of early Destiny. We wanted loot and we didn't care how we got it, opting to avoid actually playing if it got us goods.

So the dungeon is called Grasp of Avarice, literally about being in the grip of greed, and its mechanics are predicated on that concept. To get into the cave, you shoot enemies who come streaming out of it, just like back in the D1 days. And those enemies all drop yellow engrams, which look like Exotic loot drops, the very best things you can get in the game. As you scramble to pick up all those engrams, you don't receive loot, but rather, a debuff called Burden of Riches. It starts a timer, and if that timer runs out, you die. The only way to extend it? Pick up more engrams. Your greed for loot gains you nothing and marks you for death, and the only way to stave off that death is to greedily gather up more useless junk.

Okay, Bungie, we're jerks, we get it.

You have to love when a developer can make fun of itself. Current situation aside, this was a good nod to Bungie's past.
I never did get Destiny 1 in time for that loot cave.