Diablo III becomes fastest-selling PC game ever, deluge of broken PC mice likely to follow


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Chalk one up for an at least temporary resurgence in PC gaming. Blizzard can vouch that Diablo III has set a new record for the fastest-selling PC game to date: at 3.5 million copies trading hands through Battle.net downloads or retailers in the first 24 hours, and 6.3 million after a week, that's a whole lot of people battling the biggest of Prime Evils in a very short time. Naturally, a Blizzard-obsessed South Korea is accounting for even more activity, where over 39 percent of play at local gaming houses can be pinned on the action RPG, and the tally doesn't even include the 1.2 million bonus copies coming through a World of Warcraft annual pass promo. Before console gamers start packing up their PlayStations and Xboxes in symbolic resignation, D3 isn't the record-setter for the most copies of any game sold in one day -- that distinction goes to Modern Warfare 3's 6.5 million copies spread across multiple platforms. That's still enough to spur on some furious clicking and possibly a glut of dead mouse buttons, but you'll be glad to know there are suitably-themed replacement mice waiting in the wings.


Cool, congrats to Diablo 3 for selling so many copies. This proves PC gaming is a live and healthy as long as PC game makers make games which people want to play instead of casual games, or boring squeals which fewer hardcore and non-casual gamers want to play.

I wonder if Diablo 3 is also available for Linux and less popular operating systems like Chrome OS, Android, iOS, etc how many more copy will Diablo 3 sell instead of Diablo 3 being just available for Windows and Mac.
Really happy that people went out and bought the game, it shows how popular PC games really can be.
Even with all the fuss about the bugs coming from nowhere due to the servers not able to accommodate all the players, It was still a huge hit. Well sure, I experienced some inconveniences but I think they're doing a pretty good job now. :grin: