Did anything made you smile or happy today?


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Full GL Member
Some days nature or luck would have it that things would go so well for you that you would have more reasons to be happy in the day more than just every other person. Yeah, I know that being alive everyday is enough to be happy about but did anything else outside that made you happy or to smile today?
It was a pretty grey day for me.
Everyday I sleep and wake up in the morning is a very good reason for me to smile. They are the little things I appreciate because there are so many who wake up sick every day in the hospital. I'm 100% better than them.
Helped out a friend who needed a ride home from the Grocery Store. Smiled on the drive home. Glad to help out one another.
I saw two dogs playing on my way home. That moment was really good for me as I had a good laugh then. I loved how innocent that they were as they played and had fun.
I am happy that it will be a short work week for me, goes from Monday to Wednesday