Did you learn anything from anime?


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I am not expecting any moral stuff. I learned couple of Japanese words, Japanese culture from anime and that's about it.
What about you guys?

On a serious level though, not that I can think of since I only watch dubbed anime. I mean, I learned that a riceball isn't a jelly doughnut only after thinking for so many years that's what a jelly doughnut looked like in Japan.
By watching Death Note I learnt to think very strategically.
Not when killing someone per se, but rather when I'm playing a video game online, or when I'm in a real life situation I've improved my abilities to come up with really good strategies on the fly.

And by watching Dragon Ball Super, I learnt to not give up while playing online, even if you're sure you'll lose a match, I still try to win any way and I often actually end up winning too.
In fact, the more likely I am to lose, the more desperate I get to win without even thinking.

Other than these two, I just take television with a grain of salt, because I barely watch TV any way.

On a serious level though, not that I can think of since I only watch dubbed anime. I mean, I learned that a riceball isn't a jelly doughnut only after thinking for so many years that's what a jelly doughnut looked like in Japan.
Well, many MC's shout before doing something huge
So, I can't fault your logic.
Well, there are many twisted anime out there. So, I have learned that there is so much dark stuff out there and one shouldn't be judged by their looks and face.
Even an innocent looking kid can be a killer.
Yes I leaned a lot in watching of anime the moral and their determination who motivate me also that in every obstacles in life we should not give no matter what just believe in yourself to your family and friends who always at your side and always trust them.I also learned to cherish those people who is also cherishing me and never let them go value them like valuing yourself. It is in your decision if the anime is giving us some lessons in life or they just make are life worst.
I did learn a few Japanese words but what I really remember is "baka" means idiots because it is spammed a lot in anime, because I think is a trope when a main character makes a mistakes and every one just says "baka" pertaining to the character as an idiot, it's really comedic and gives a break to a suspense scence or a climax in those moments.
I am not expecting any moral stuff. I learned couple of Japanese words, Japanese culture from anime and that's about it.
What about you guys?

I learned some Japanese words and phrases, what I like about Anime is that it helped me understand the Japanese culture and traditions. Some animes like Food Wars and Restaurant from another world taught me a lot about Japanese cuisine.
I was also thinking about answering satirical lessons but the comments above already nailed it LOL. I'll just answer a serious one. Well, I learned a lot not from the anime scene itself, but from only one series, Naruto. Yeah, I'm the stereotypical melodramatic Naruto fanboy with sad childhood story that can relate to Naruto's will of fire stuff *insert mocking Spongebob meme here* LOL.

In a serious note, Naruto made a big impact in my childhood. Alone with no friends, no siblings, parents always away from home. I got most of my silly philosophies from the series itself. Which helped me to cope with my childhood struggles with my underdeveloped maturity. To make it short, yeah, I'm one of those kids influenced by Narutos 'not giving up' personality. And it helped a lot.
Yes, especially after watching Naruto and Major. These animes taught me what camaraderie is. Watching these kinds of anime will teach you a lot especially when it comes to friendship. I have cried a lot watching these anime. I can say that these animes made a huge impact to what I am right now. I hope kids of the next generation will also be able to waych these animes even they are already finished.
Well if there is something I learned from anime, it is never to take things so seriously. I know it is a bit of a cliche ,but anime really gives out the idea so much. I really love that most of the animes that I watch has satire and a comedic value into it. #YamatoNadeshico #OnePiece #SlamDunk #KissHimNotMe ... Lol, hashtagging pretty hard there ;)
Not much but It motivates me to start a new hobby like writing and learn new things. It also inspires me in computer programming when I am watching an anime about game developing.
Yes, Almost the theme of anime if friendship and family how you protect them from anyone who wants them to do bad things