Did you play any 'Worms' games?


Well-Known Member
I have been a huge fan of the 'Worms' series by Team17 since my childhood. I enjoy playing the game a lot. Also, the local versus multiplayer was one of the features I loved. I enjoyed blowing up worms with my brother or my cousins. It was great fun. I still enjoy the Worms series. I own almost all Worms games, except a few. Worms Clan Wars is their latest release and I'm looking into getting that as well. If you haven't tried the series out, I suggest checking out the Worms Reloaded Demo as it is one of the best Worms game ever made. It can be found on Steam here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/22600/
I still sometimes play Worms Armageddon with a group of friends. It's the best in the series, in my opinion, and an extremley fun multiplayer expereince.  The other games are all solid, but Armageddon has the best variety in weapons/items, and the best mechanics for things like the Ninja Rope.
I have not played the older Worms games but I do have Worms Revolution on Steam, I really like to play this one with my friends, if you haven't played it I recommend that you get it because it's really fun. Besides Worms for PC, I have also played Worms for the Nintendo DS, it's surprisingly good to play while traveling with someone else that has a DS because it has multiplayer support.
I used to play worms all the time with my friends as a kid. Being a fan of the Monty Python series as well made the Holy Hand Grenade was my favourite weapon. So many good times were had.
Haha, the only time I played Worms was in my high school days in computer class. Back then, it was either Worms or Starcraft that everyone would end up playing either during class or during breaks.
Outside of the classroom, I never touched Worms at all as there were various other games I preferred. I do see the game pop up here and there on the Android app store, but don't feel compelled enough to bring back old memories.
I think I've played it back in the days on Nintendo 64, but I can't really remember. It's been a really long time.
One of the childhood favorites even. Especially the memories of me and my bothers coming together to play some, like a mini family gathering. And then we'd blow up worms on a screen and bond like true siblings should.
qag said:
I still sometimes play Worms Armageddon with a group of friends. It's the best in the series, in my opinion, and an extremley fun multiplayer expereince.  The other games are all solid, but Armageddon has the best variety in weapons/items, and the best mechanics for things like the Ninja Rope.
Yeah ninja rope and girders were brilliant to use. Also the special weapons like the holy pineapple bomb and the sheep were awesome.
I have played a lot of the worms games to be honest.
Such a good series!
Not as good now though. Probably lost the same kick it used to have.
I played the first one a lot in my college days. A few of my friends would gather at my place and we'd blast each other to little pieces for hours. Many were sleeping with the fishes :p Great fun the worms series was, with plenty of over the top weapons. A few months ago I installed the game again but sadly my interest in it diminished over the years - I played for only half an hour than uninstalled. 
Started with Worms Armageddon on the PC back when I wasn't allowed to have internet. I've played that game so much with friends it is kind of nostalgia. On the other hand, I don't feel like it's worth to buy now on steam since it's not THAT great.

I also have had Worms Mayham (3D worms). It was fairly fun but didn't know what happened with it since it didn't get a really big hype even though it was not disappointing.
Yeah. I got the chance to test out the latest Worms game in that free weekend on Steam. It's pretty fun and surely lived up it's name. Can't say that I have any complaints about it since it pretty much stuck to the same path like the previous installments in the franchise.