Diffculty level


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What Diffculty level do you play games on?

I start off at normal for the story and then go back on hard for the challenege.
Depends. If I am going for trophies, then always the highest difficulty setting. If not, I play on Normal.
I always play on the hardest difficulty there is, however, there are the odd few games that don't have achievements for different difficulties so then I think what is the point on playing on the hardest, but most of them do. So yeah I always play on the hardest and because I make walkthrough videos then it's better to do that.

However, there are also games that don't let you play on the hardest difficulty until you've completed the campaign on a lower difficulty, then in that case I play on the hardest available but I rarely play it through again on the next hardest.

The only game that I would consider playing on a lower difficulty to get to grips with the game before playing it on the hardest is Halo, because Legendary difficulty is damn hard!!!
I always go hard, the worst thing that can happen is you get stuck.

Which really sucks if it happens.
Not too bad on games that allow you to drop difficulty level during the game, which i've never had to do yet. But most games don't allow for it which would suck if you got stuck. The only one that i ever got stuck on playing the hardest difficulty was Dead Space.
Dead Space 1 or 2? Dead Space 2 only let's you have 3 save points on the hardest difficulty, which I find absurd. Dead Space 1 is pretty hard too, but doable. Bioshock is a bitch. Now that game is hard without Vita chambers,
It was Dead Space 1, I haven't played the 2nd one yet as I was put off for a bit because of the annoyance of the first one. Very rarely do I give up on a game.

I only reached Chapter 5 in the game and it was the point where you enter a room and all the doors are locked and creatures come at you and you have to survive and kill a certain number before the door unlocks. I found a video of the bit here:
if you skip to 2:40 that's the start of it.

The guy in the video makes it look easy, however, his video is not on the hard difficulty. And the problem I had was not the creatures themselves but the lack of ammo. Many have had this problem as you can see from the comments on his video. If you reach that part of the game with little ammo and little funds to buy ammo then you're pretty much screwed unless you restart the chapter which I couldn't be bothered to do.

I've never played BioShock without Vita Chambers, that sounds insane to me.
Oh, you're playing on Hard? That isn't the hardest difficulty, Impossible is, which is unlocked after beating the game once and clearing the data. And the DLC makes the game so much easier, because it gives you stronger weapons and better armor. If you do want the DLc, either get the $10 bundle, or the $4 Heavy Pack.

And Bioshock without the chambers is really hard. I'm having a bad time doing it. lol It will be worth it for that Platinum in the end though...