Disband Trick or Treating?


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Do you think Trick or treating will ever be disbanded one day? Due to any possible danger of tainted candy or the fact any dangerous person can roam freely in costume?
I believe one day it may, as it stands now we take risks when we allow our children to go out trick or treating or do it ourselves because there are so many people who are out and about causing trouble or people will hand out candy that is no candy which can harm children.
I think trick or treating will become a thing of the past one day. Most parents take their kids to some kind of carnival or party where they know the people throwing the carnival/party/etc. Use to you could go door-to-door but you can't anymore. There are too many weirdos out there to do that anymore.
I think trick or treating will still exist in the future because people have been trick or treating for a long time, and there were bad people in the past which caused problems during Halloween. Trick or treating may suddenly become more popular because of the internet and viral videos and social networking posts of people celebrating trick or treating and passing out candy.

There is always a chance of buying unsafe candy from a candy store where a bad worker or shopper replace the safe candy with unsafe candy, or getting unsafe candy from someone who pretends to be your friend, so they can harm you by giving you unsafe candy because they don't like you and your family.
Trick or treating is an American thing, so I think that America needs to do something about their crime rate. Maybe increase the number of police officers during Halloween night or something of that nature.
No don't disband halloween. have the parents go witht the children during trick or treating. Also trick or treat in the neighborhood and knock on doors of only neighbors and family friends.
I just mean have the parents supervise the children during halloween and only accepted packaged candy and have parents check the candy