Discord Announces Layoffs


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As reported by The Verge, CEO Jason Citron has announced that Discord will be losing 17 percent of its staff, with 170 people across multiple departments getting laid off. Discord has always been a free-to-use platform, though it does offer Discord Nitro - a paid version of the service that provides extra benefits. However, Discord has yet to produce a profitable business model, and this lack of profitability was noted in Citron's layoff announcement. Citron pinpointed the expedited growth of Discord since 2020 as a cause of the workforce losing sustainability and efficiency, thus the company has made the decision to trim back staffing and rework its functionality.
There was an article claiming they had to lay people off because of "overhiring". Like what lol.
Discord is a helpful service, and although I never paid for emotes, I wish they could structure more stuff like improvements and features.
Quite a lot of these sorts of companies are laying off quite a lot of staff recently. Think they’re all struggling for profitability.
I wonder if more Discord users are switching to alternative apps which are similar to Discord, so Discord do not need as many workers because many Discord users are switching to other chat programs.
I wonder if more Discord users are switching to alternative apps which are similar to Discord, so Discord do not need as many workers because many Discord users are switching to other chat programs.
Or just abandoning altogether in favor of their forums!
I don't use Discord; just prefer forums over that kind of chat but it seems Discord is quite popular, more than other platforms so this comes as a surprise.
It is a shame to see so many businesses having to make layoffs. During the pandemic many were hired to take on the overload of work that came in and now, since things have died down, we are seeing many losing their jobs which is a shame.

I do hope those who have been laid off find a new position as soon as possible.