Do some people care more about their social networks accounts than online banking?


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A lot of people have very little money or no money in their bank after paying off all their debt and bills, and can be losing money by keeping money in the bank because of monthly bank fees, and extra fees for withdrawing their own money too much from the bank's ATM or Teller. A lot of poor people don't earn enough money to have money left over to save in a bank after paying off all their bills, and large loans like student loans.

But, social networks like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Twitch, Dailymotion, Hubpages, Tumblr, Adult sites, etc are ways to make money from ads on the website, and promoting your music, ebook, game and software which you sell on your own website, and 3rd part sites Google Play, iTunes, Amazon, eBay, or Steam. There are some social network members who get paid to promote other companies product like software, electronics, jewellery, food, or cleaning products on your different social networking profiles, and website.

eBay, Google Play, Steam, iTunes, and Amazon Marketplace can also be considered social networks because people use these sites to talk to and rate sellers, and buyers where they need to be social to use every feature on the site.

It is possible to store your money/wealth without a bank by buying Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, gold, silver, luxury watches made by Rolex and Omega, luxury cars, houses, artwork/antiques, so you can sell them in the future when you need more money to pay for more expensive bills like medical bills, dentist, nursing home, or a vacation.
I'm not sure I understand the question. Are you saying people invest in their social media as an alternative to saving their money with a bank?
I'm not sure I understand the question. Are you saying people invest in their social media as an alternative to saving their money with a bank?

I'm asking if there are people who care about their social networking account more than online banking.

I think older people will care more about social networking because I know some old people who never used the internet for online banking, and don't know how to use complicated websites, and don't trust using the internet for more sensitive tasks like online banking, online shopping, important mail, and taxes because of hackers, crooks, and cybercriminals which scam internet user.

But, older users use social networks like Facebook and video chat programs like Skype to talk to their adult children and grand children who live away from them.

YouTube, and Dailymotion are one of the few video-based social networks where older adults can re-watch old scenes from shows like Star Trek, Star Wars, and other old shows, or watch old music videos of older musicians like Elvis and the Beatles for free, or a few dollars on Google Play video which uses YouTube to host video.

I think there are young people who invest their money to build up their social network profiles, and their own website by spending money on a video camera, digital camera, nicer computer for Twitch streaming, video editing for YouTube or Photo editing for DeviantArt, and buy social network ads to get traffic to their posts faster, so they can post more quality posts on social networks like YouTube, Dailymotion, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and their own sites where they can earn money if they work hard, and keep trying.

There are also a lot of young people under the age of 18 who don't have a bank account, or can't have a bank account without parental permission, so they spend a lot of their money from allowances, odd jobs, and part-time work on smartphones, tablets, and computers which they use a lot for making posts for social networks like Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, and Twitter.

Credit Unions, and investing in small investments like gold and silver coins can be a good way of saving money, and possibly making extra money, so credit unions and small investments like gold coins can be a good alternative to the traditional banking system where there are people who got ripped off by the bank if they don't pick their bank carefully.

Examples of bank rip-offs

Watchdog slams U.S. Bank for consumer rip-off

U.S. Bank will pay $57 million in consumer relief and penalties for unfairly charging more than 420,000 customers for identity protection and credit-monitoring services they never received, a federal regulator said Thursday.
Watchdog slams U.S. Bank for consumer rip-off

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Afraid I'm not seeing the point to this, you don't solely have to focus on online banking. I know many old people who would rather die than use a PC for their fiances.

I know that many old people still use the bank tellers, and refuse to use an ATM to deposit and withdraw their money. They also refuse to use a PC for any of their finances including offline activities like keeping copies/scans of their bank statements, or using Excel, Accounting, and Tax software to keep track of their money, and rather pay an accountant to do their taxes. They are also highly unlikely to use the internet to use their bank account, buy stuff, send money, or trade money like trading 1 US Dollar for 1 Canadian Dollar.

There are some people who are more extreme, and don't trust the banking system, and think the workers who work at banks can steal their money. They are also afraid of security vulnerability in the bank's computer network can wipe out or steal all their savings when a hacker takes control of the banks computer system.
I don't think it's a good idea to compare those two.
Social networking and online banking are entirely different things, it's like I would ask someone "do you prefer a Mercedes or Mount Fuji?".

But to answer this one any way from my perspective:
I only use Mastodon as my social media, and I occasionally use Lobi, and LINE's built-in social network too.
But I typically use Discord more often, but that's a chat client, not a social platform.

As for online banking, I don't use it so much unless I need to, but I always make sure I have enough money all the time.
And when there's a lot, I like to keep an eye on it sometimes. ww

But being socially isolated and having not to use my bank too often, I don't think I have a preference here.
I don't think it's a good idea to compare those two.
Social networking and online banking are entirely different things, it's like I would ask someone "do you prefer a Mercedes or Mount Fuji?".

But to answer this one any way from my perspective:
I only use Mastodon as my social media, and I occasionally use Lobi, and LINE's built-in social network too.
But I typically use Discord more often, but that's a chat client, not a social platform.

As for online banking, I don't use it so much unless I need to, but I always make sure I have enough money all the time.
And when there's a lot, I like to keep an eye on it sometimes. ww

But being socially isolated and having not to use my bank too often, I don't think I have a preference here.

A few social networks have a limited banking features like sending money, and storing money. But, you can't get a loan from a social network like a bank, and there is no way of investing your money to hopefully get more money if things go well. WeChat Social Network Payment which is a popular way to send, receive, and temporarily store money in China.

Facebook now lets users send money by linking their Facebook account to a debit card, credit card, or PayPal.

It is possible to send money with Facebook according to Facebook: the latest way to transfer cash

"Facebook users there have been able to transfer money to their friends free of charge on Messenger, the site’s instant messaging service, since last year, while Snapchat users in the United States can also send money to contacts using “Snapcash”."

But, it is not yet possible to store money like $10 in a Facebook account. But, I think Facebook money storage account is coming soon because Facebook already sells Facebook Game giftcards which store your cash value in digital form like $10 USD in Facebook game money similar to Sony Playstation PSN giftcards where you buy the card at a store, and use the gift code to deposit the money in your PSN account to use at alatter time.
I didn't know about that.
I know there is LINE Pay, but I didn't bother to try it yet.

I never bother to use social networking payment mainly because no one sends me money through social networks, and I don't have a lot of money to store online. I can see some people using social network to store money on social networks like WeChat Pay, so they can hide money from a family member like wife or husband, so they can't figure what you will get them for Christmas based on how much money you took out of a bank account, and where you spent the money if you use a credit or debit card to pay.
Yes. I think people are more attracted to the thing that they can easily manage and easily access everyday without having much to worry about in the end result. Social media networking sites such as Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and others are less complicated to manage compared to online banking. I have a friend who is not really in to that stuff because he doesn't know much about it at all.
Yes. I think people are more attracted to the thing that they can easily manage and easily access everyday without having much to worry about in the end result. Social media networking sites such as Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter and others are less complicated to manage compared to online banking. I have a friend who is not really in to that stuff because he doesn't know much about it at all.

This is true there are people who have many social network accounts because they are easier to manage compared to online banking which sometimes require users know how to do math to pay bills and withdraw money. Some online banking sites have complicated secure login forms, and user interfaces which look outdated. A lot of people prefer having a human bank teller which slowly and thoroughly explains what bill they are paying, which account their money is being deposited into, how much money is in their account, and how much money they are withdrawing from their account. There may also be people who are afraid that their money will be gone or deleted if they pressed the wrong button on an online banking website. Plus, with all the bad news on computer viruses, and security vulnerabilities like Intel Spectre and Meltdown, some users may not think their home computer is safe enough to use online banking, and their online bank account is at risk of being hacked when they use their home PC for online banking.

I think some people may care more about social networks than online banking because a lot of bank accounts now have high monthly banking bills where you need to pay the bank a monthly fee like $10 every month to store and withdraw your money. Some bank also sometimes make users pay a few dollars more to the bank if they have less than $1000 in their bank account, or withdraw their money more than a few times a month from the bank.

For people who don't use a free bank account without a fees like banks with a monthly fee, bank customers are losing money by storing their money at a bank.

There are more people these days who dream about making money by posting videos and photos on social networks like how Ray William Johnson, Pewdiepie, and Smosh who make more money posting videos online than most offline workers who may not make enough money for housing and enough food to not become hungry.
That's a very interesting question. I think there still a lot of people who cares about their online banking. But people are very competitive when it comes to their social network account. People want to be the best when it comes to social media. Sometimes they forget their password in their Online Bank then Social Media account.
People who are very competitive and want to be famous may care a lot about how many followers they have, and how many people "like", and re-share their posts. I read an article on a entertainment blog that claims actors and musicians with a lot of followers on social networks usually can get roles in movies and TV shows and musical gigs more easily than actors and musicians with fewer followers.

Being popular on social networks can be more important than being popular on the news because TV news, and newspaper are losing a lot of regular viewers because more people watch or read the news on social networks like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

Social networks like YouTube, Twitch, and Dailymotion also pay some members like YouTube partners money when their posts become very popular by getting a lot of views, so members who make hundreds to thousands a month from their social networks will care a lot about their social network accounts if earning money is important to them.

More tech savvy social network owners like Mark Zuckergberg, and social network staff members would care a lot about social networks because almost all of Mark Z. money come from Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and smaller social companies which Facebook bought.
I don't have any social accounts at all so I would care more about my bank account.
Yes, I think most of the people now care about popularity. A lot of people wanted to be popular and trying hard to be notice by everyone. That is the effect of social media.
I feel not everyone on social networks wants to be popular for the sake of being popular. A lot of people own personal websites and businesses like a bakery and grocery store where being popular on social networks can help them get new visitors to their website, or customers to their businesses. Buying expensive ads on local newspapers, and TV channels may not be as worth it for advertising your website or business because fewer people read newspapers and watch local tv. Buying ads on websites can not be worth it for a small website and business because it can cost many hundreds to thousands of dollars to buy a small link ad or banner ad on a popular website with a lot of traffic.

I think most people ignore ads on TV, newspapers and websites, and are less likely to ignore a high quality informative online video or photo about a website or business posted on a social network like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

There are some social network members who may use social networks like YouTube, Dailymotion, Twitter, and Twitch to earn some money while they are looking for a job, and to earn a little extra money at home to help pay some of their bills. Being popular on social networks is important for making money since most sites pay by the number of views you have on a video or live streaming video. A lot of members who post content on social networks also don't have a choice if they become popular or unpopular because their post and video may randomly get posted on a popular blog or a celebrity re-share their posts which can make social network member more popular. A search engine ranking change may suddenly make their social network posts show up on the first page of the social network search results.
That's fine if it's make them happy. Happiness is greater than money.

Social networks can also be good websites for learning more about topics like food, motorcycles, video games, and animation which can make people more happy when talking to other members with similar interests. But, spending money on things like food, video games, and cartoons may not always make you happy compared to being part of a fan club about food, video games and cartoons where people can share their knowledge on what food, video games and cartoons are worth it.
Honestly, this might be the truth to some people.

As for me, I don't care about social networks at all and that included even whatapp.
Honestly, this might be the truth to some people.

As for me, I don't care about social networks at all and that included even whatapp.

I feel some kids and teenagers don't care as much about online banking since they only have a few dollars or no money, and their parents control their bank account because some kids and teens are not yet allow to manage their own bank account because of banking rules where you need to be 18 years old to use the bank for depositing and withdrawing money.

A lot of young people don't have money because they don't work, or don't work full time where buying food and video games will cause them to spend most of their money.

I read online posts that some young people want to be Twitch game streamers, YouTube video creators, and Instagram Influencers.