Do we have an add on for a movies and television database on this server?


Horror Movie Guru
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So apparently on certain forums powered by Xenforo, you're able to add a board that links to databases like TMDB which is a movie database site. Basically on there, what you'd do is just post a link and the software does the rest. I figured it would make easier on us too posting wise
Yeah I've seen it before. I'm not sure how it's done but it could be fun. Problem would be dealing with 500+ shows or 500+ movies being added all at once.
Yeah I've seen it before. I'm not sure how it's done but it could be fun. Problem would be dealing with 500+ shows or 500+ movies being added all at once.

Nah if there was a certain movie you wanted to talk about, you could post it up. The database doesnt just drop on you all at once lol.
Something like this?

It's a YouTube gallery extension where you post the URL of the video you want to add, and it will add the video! Is it similar to this add on?

Nah it's like what cpvr posted, you just post the TMDB link into the proper box and it does the rest

i found this add on.

This is probably the one, theres probably a movie one too.
Nah it's like what cpvr posted, you just post the TMDB link into the proper box and it does the rest

This is probably the one, theres probably a movie one too.
I finally just found the movie add on.
I wonder if there's a gaming one too, for shits and giggles lol