Do you allow controversial topics on your forum?


Well-Known Member
Full GL Member
There are certain talks about politics and religion that can be quite controversial and have this tendency of making people react differently on forums. Will you let such topics be posted on your forum?
Depends on the topic and how the members are reacting to it. It's a freedom to discuss until it becomes an issue.
Depends on the topic and how the members are reacting to it. It's a freedom to discuss until it becomes an issue.
Same goes for Nintendo 3DS Central, but it's more of a privilege than a right, since it requires members to have 200 posts before they can post in the Debate, Serious and Politics Forum! Because of stuff I had to deal with while I was still staff on the Gaming Reinvented Discord server, I added the requirement as a precautionary measure!
I honestly do have controversial boards but they are hidden. People nowadays don’t tend to honor the Agree to Disagree code. Even when somebody agrees, topics can get nasty.
I feel we are adults & should behave like adults. Honoring the Respect for both sides. Too many go to berating which is really bullying. There are many things I don't accept nor believe in HOWEVER I can accept the person as a human being because that is what we are first.
I honestly do have controversial boards but they are hidden. People nowadays don’t tend to honor the Agree to Disagree code. Even when somebody agrees, topics can get nasty.
I feel we are adults & should behave like adults. Honoring the Respect for both sides. Too many go to berating which is really bullying. There are many things I don't accept nor believe in HOWEVER I can accept the person as a human being because that is what we are first.
Too many people abused the agree to disagree code. It’s not a get out of jail free card to prevent you from getting challenged on saying stupid shit.

“Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote”
Depends on the topic and how the members are reacting to it. It's a freedom to discuss until it becomes an issue.

This is kind of my reaction.

If members can keep the conversations civil then I'll allow the discussions on the sensitive topic. But if anything goes haywire then I'll close the topic.
If forum members behaved with maturity, even a controversial topic wouldn't cause any problems. Discussions on the topic will be carried out with respect in expressing one's opinion on the subject.